She looks to you as you speak. "I think the way it works is it looks at the person who takes it and beings out who they should be on the world they are in and goes from there. We have tried to accurately track this but have never been able to. I do not know of any other information to give you except if you do decide to drink the potion it must be the whole potion and not part of it so no adverse reactions occur."
"I'm sure there's a fascinating reason for that, but that does sound like something to pass up, unless desperate for a change, any sort of change."
"Is there anything else concerning the finding we should know? Anything that a young one may not have been told?"
"I can not tell you anything else about the findings. The ones you need to ask are those that have experienced it. They feel it, they understand it much better than anyone who looks at it from the outside. Those who have never felt its draw or its fire can not tell you anything about it and can only speak of it from a philosophers view."