I turn to Jonathan briefly, "Hmm? Oh, those two would be Lywenta and the lord's wife, whose name I haven't been able to say yet without butchering it. For a variety of reasons, among them being the presence of hair and red not being their usual color, I'm pretty darn sure neither is Thayan."
"Lywenta in particular has proven to be helpful to us when we had need. The other… well, just stay out of her way." Edited: daishain on 28th Dec, 2017 - 6:18am
I race up to the top with the others. Ghost is close behind me. My heart races as I wonder what it could be. Nothing like this had happened before in our time here. I scan the horizon looking for what could be causing this alarm.
From the top of the walls looking off to the west and a bit south you see the farmers racing towards the stronghold. Further out you see a dark mass heading towards the stronghold. You can see some individuals racing towards the farmers as they are ahead of the masses. You see the guard commander and a squad of guards moving to protect the farmers. They are the first to make contact as they cut down any of these figures that get close enough. You all hear the Lord call out to the others. "Ware Orcs" HE draws his sword and motions to the big guy coming out of the keep and the one beside him as he steps off the gate house and floats down to the ground outside the keep. The two big guys soon join him as does the half elf in full plate. The mass is getting closer.
You see the guard commander and the squad of guard set up a skirmish line as they provide time for the rest of the farmers to get into the strong hold as they slowly give ground as more and more of the Orcs come within striking range of them. You hear loud sharp thumps from the towers as the ballista fire each bolt taking out a few Orcs. You see a red orb and a green orb streak into the masses of Orcs and explode in fire. Many orcs are laid out from that leaving a temporary hole in the masses. It is soon filled in as more and more come. The Lord wades into battle with the Commander and the squad of guards as they continue to give ground as they continue to hack and slash felling orcs all around them. You see a guard fall under the onslaught of Orcs but his body disappears ans another green orb heads into the masses before exploding into a large fire killing many more and giving the front line more time to keep withdrawing.
They are about 100 yards from the stronghold. You can see many guards at the main gate ready to slam them shut once the others are able to get inside.
I call out to anyone listening, "Focus fire on any trying to flank, bypass, or otherwise threaten the lord's line. Help give the stragglers the time they need. If you spot any shamans, bring them down immediately."
I'll get to a decent vantage point on the wall and start firing my crossbow. I'll try to focus on hampering anyone trying to hurt those retreating through the gate.
Picking and choosing my targets based on threat level, I identify high rankers and spell casters and fire longbow shots at them. “Is this the first time you’ve encountered Orcs, Jason?”
Specific Action: long bow shots as available, once targets are within range, adding inspiration damage to the first three shots that hit. Edited: Gknightbc on 28th Dec, 2017 - 4:47pm
I gaze in horror upon the sight below." I'm useless up here. I'll go below to see if I can be of aid." I vault astride Ghost." Let's go help, my friend." I will race down to the gates on Ghost. We will wait there a moment as I study the scene.
Out of Character: : Rachel has no ranged attacks. She can't just stand by and do nothing.
Surprised as Rachel decends to ground level I call out “Rachel, stay behind the soldiers at all times! They are paid to be meat shields!” Making a note to get together with Jason for tactics sessions, I turn back to the oncoming threats.