3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 370 of 616

Taking care of my weapons and Armor, then - Page 370 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 31st Dec, 2017 - 8:11pm

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Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 3:51pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
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3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 370

Feeling nauseous, instead of food, I'll seek a means to wash myself. I try to relax a bit in the tepid water, but my mind won't let me.

That was… too much. It came far too close to everyone here being slaughtered by that chaotic horde, even with the impressive abilities on display. Had they just a few more skilled spellcasters, it would have been all over.

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Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 3:53pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

The Bath house would be the best place to wash your self. The water is hot (Think hot tub temp) and seems to be clean.

31st Dec, 2017 - 4:53pm / Post ID: #
L4 Bard
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3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Storyteller says...

I will see about getting myself washed up first and then get something to eat, simply because I wasn't quite hungry just yet and wanted to work up an appetite more while relaxing.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Page 370 Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I'm in a sense of disbelief from the sudden onslaught. It was so sudden and unexpected. Just another reminder of the savagery of our new world. Not wishing to be alone I will go into the dining hall. I don't have much of an appetite after all the destruction. I take a few bits of various fruit and cheese before speaking to the people sitting nearby. Ghost waits faithfully outside by the door since he takes up quite a bit of space.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 5:57pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

Cursing myself for not thinking to really check, the last few minutes of my bath are rushed. After getting clean and dressing again, I'll go find my companion, asking, "Thalica, are you okay? We just lived through something horrendous. Do you need to get away from all this death?"

I watch her carefully for any sign she's hiding something from me, but to myself I have to admit I'm projecting somewhat.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 6:05pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game

You can see that she is visibly upset with all the death and all that has happened thus far today.

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Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 6:25pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game - Page 370

I'll bundle her off to some quiet corner of the stronghold. I think outside in the forest would have been better, but that would mean walking through the piles of corpses. I can't stay long, every strong pair of hands is needed, but for at least a little while, I'll be there with her, assuring her that life will go on.

Out of Character: I've dealt with people who have PTSD before, along with people in shock after trauma, and know some of the theory. I am not even going to begin claiming expertise, but I like to think I could help a little bit in such cases, especially given shared experience.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 31st Dec, 2017 - 9:10pm

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2017 - 8:11pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 370

Taking care of my weapons and Armor, then stripping down and having a bath. After throughly scrubbing down and cleaning the bloody remnants of both my own injuries and others, I try to calm down. Still trembling from after-adrenaline reaction for the battle, I then dress in light clothes and head to the mess hall. Sitting down to eat slowly, thinking hard about the sudden appearance of an army at our doorstep, I rest there, my face stiff and still. “Telescopes, outriders, scrying, crystal balls, alarm spells, path tales, contingencies ... ” muttering to myself as I brain storm better EWS.

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