Looking for signs the big brute left of his direction of travel, I check for recent scuffs or blood drops. Listening close as well, I focus on hearing any noises that would reveal him and his secrets.
Specific Action: using inspiration to boost skills for this time
Out of Character: : there was a full heal potion for each if us, Jonathan.
Having not used my magic yet, the need seemingly not coming up, I can offer some additional healing to others. Especially since I had been left relatively unharmed, I will look to the others before saying softly, "Does anyone need more healing? I haven't really used my magic yet." Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Feb, 2018 - 1:47pm
You search the door for any traps when it opens and the large Hobgoblin stands there looking at you as you look at him. He has a chest in his arms which he drops and reaches for his sword. I will need initiative plus action or combat numbers.
Out of Character: who ever was up front checking for traps is at the front of the marching order. Edited: KNtoran on 27th Feb, 2018 - 11:19pm
"Get him!"
I back off to let the others with melee weapons at the big hob and fire at him.
Out of Character: If I beat him on initiative, meaning he'd be flatfooted, backing off 15' to the west and firing. If I don't, and he doesn't put me on the ground before I move, 5' stepping back and firing.
Welp, looks like I might be getting walloped in a minute. Hope that bear and Ghost distract him ever so slightly. Edited: daishain on 28th Feb, 2018 - 2:35am