Out of Character: fly speed of 100, so a bit over 11 miles per hour. Should be about 4 hours there and back, assuming nothing causes notable delays. Ping has standard orders for avoidance when it comes to things that might destroy it.
"Well, here's hoping those language lessons come in useful, here. If it's a trading post, that must mean they aren't immediately going to try and kill us, right?" I check my weapons and such, and make sure the wood we use for the fire is as dry as possible, to minimize smoke.
"I'm torn between caution and excitement. For me caution will have to win out. My body may be younger, but my mind is racing with doubt. Bahamut forgive me for that, but I gotta be me, sorry for that. Lucky for us you guys have been making some seriously useful things for us," I say tugging at the anklet."Ping is an asset I never expected to have in this world."
"Oh, quite agreed, I'd definitely rather err on the side of caution here. But I have to say, it would be great to find some actual allies for our bunch, rather than just more guys that want to cause us trouble."
"In any case, get some rest people, Ping should be back by morning with a report, we'll have a better idea about things then."