I wake up early and tend to my wounds, I don't like to totally depend on magic for my healing so the last bit of cuts and bruises that I can manage I tend to myself. The aching reminds me to be faster, stronger, smarter. Once the light is bright enough the things I'm doing while at the castle include riding and working on relationship with the big horse we took from the orc, Practicing with my weapons in plate mail so I'll be more capable when my own suit is ready. The added protection was definitely coming at a cost. When I finally come in to breakfast my shirt is soaked and I stay away from the group so I don't offend, wolfing down my food, I spot the rest commiserating with Travis and felt some relief that he hasn't soured his connections here. I stop by on my way off to the bathhouse, "Good to see everyone getting along, anyone know how the hang out is coming?"
"Hang out? Oh! You mean that pseudo guild hall thing that started off as an idea for a workshop. Come to think of it, that sounds like something worth looking into today. Shall we all go see what they've built for us?" Edited: daishain on 8th Oct, 2018 - 11:11am
I look up from my light breakfast at Jonathan's approach. Nodding at him I stand up." Good idea Jason. Ghost is very curious about it." I scratch him behind his ears." It seems to be coming along well from my viewpoint last night."
During the breakfast time the biggest note is that the Lord was not in presence as the norm. A few of the guards are missing as well as Lywenta and a few more high ranking officials in the Stronghold. You will see a heavy guard presence at the entrance to the lord audience chamber.
When you go check on the new building that will be your workshop and quarters you will see the basement is finished and the hole back filled so the top of the ground. The bottom flooring is almost done as well as steps down into the basement area so you can use it for storage. Some of the outside walls are starting to go up but mostly just framework for now. Many of the finishing workers are still finishing up the uper floor of the Inn.
I nod in approval at the progress." This is coming along nicely. I can't wait until it is complete. Well, time to hunt." My form rapidly morphs. I'm soon standing on all fours with a spotted hide. A leopard stands where I was a moment before. I growl and head out into the wilderness with Ghost right behind me. The leopard form is a joy to wear with the sleek and muscular build. We move at a nice lope as we look for game.
I look after Rachel with amazement and a bit of envy, "What a wondrous ability."
Turning back to the building being constructed, I ponder, "Hmm, I wonder if we can talk the lord into fronting the materials for a Lyre of Building. The music it produces accelerates this sort of thing to a great degree. Its a bit out of our price range for just the party to use, but its something the whole community could make use of."
"Heck, perhaps that could be part of Thomas' new job, the lyre is more effective with a skilled musician playing"
Later, I'll head back over to the sealed off audience chamber. I'll ask the guards there about it, "Might I ask what is going on? It must be serious." Edited: daishain on 9th Oct, 2018 - 2:54am
Working to manufacture this pseudo-familiar, I pour my newfound talents into the work, trying to craft as much detail as I can. Trying to make this construct as visually similar to an actual sparrow, I grin when I see the results. After the blood-letting and enchantments are in place, I give this extension of my will it's name "Ariel". Once all the messy works are complete, I practice communication and controlling it, seeing how it operates and enjoying the developing personality within it's matrix.
Visiting the construction site with the others, I add : "That sounds like a perfect item for this kind of thing. Do you have access to the needed skills to create it, Jason? Seeing a building magically form from a musical passage would be impressive!"
Rachel's shapechange has me curious on the magical formula needed to pull in the extra mass and knowledge for it to occur. *Does it actually take a leopard from somewhere in the multiverse, and the leopard gets her body in stasis or something? Does it connect her instinctual and reflex centers to that of a leopard, and just shift the mass from somewhere nearby to create it? What would it take for me to find the magic to do the same, I wonder?*.