3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 86 of 616

I watch Jason as well with interest, "Is - Page 86 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 29th May, 2017 - 6:20am

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Post Date: 28th May, 2017 - 7:40pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 86

I observe Ghost to see which way trouble lies. After watching for a moment I'm now sure. I face the others. I gesture with my hands in the shape of an upright gun in both directions.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th May, 2017 - 7:40pm

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Post Date: 28th May, 2017 - 7:57pm / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I poke my head around the corner and take a good look at the doors. I am mainly concerned with one thing, the easiest way to quietly make sure at least one of those doors cannot open until we want it to.

Post Date: 29th May, 2017 - 2:22am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Main group. Jason can see that there are no hinges to be seen as will as no lock to be seen. The is a crude handle to help assist the door to close possibly.

Group B. Allen is on his way to see his friend Thomas when he turns the corner to make the final leg. As he turns the corner he stumbles as there is no sidewalk under his feet anymore. The air smells cleaner and crisp and the world is brighter. Looking about you find yourself in a clearing in some woods. These woods were not here yesterday. You can not see where you came from and only a couple foot prints in the soft soil show you were you have been.

It has been three days and Thomas has not seen his friend around. He failed to show up the other day and he has not been in contact or seen since that day. Thomas is on his way to his place when he turns a corner and finds himself stumbling in a small stream. He looks about a cleaner smelling, clearer brighter day. He looks around startled as he finds himself in the woods. Soo much for dinner plans today.

Post Date: 29th May, 2017 - 2:41am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Page 86 Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I frown and think a bit, hmm, perhaps hold it closed via a rope? Could lie down over one end while using the crossbow towards the other door.

Out of Character: door most likely opens the wrong way to spike it then.

These handles, do either of them appear sturdy enough to not come off under the kind of force I would expect a handful of goblins to exert?

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 29th May, 2017 - 3:12am

Post Date: 29th May, 2017 - 4:03am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I try to relax and stroke Ghost's fur. His growl continues to rumble. I turn and watch Jason with interest as he works.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th May, 2017 - 4:04am

Post Date: 29th May, 2017 - 4:24am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game

*As I am heading to my friend's house, hoping for a nice gaming day. As I turn the final corner and as I am not paying attention because I have been there many times before, he almost falls on his face as I stumble into the clearing. I look around to find my barrings and can tell I am not in Utah anymore. I look myself over, seeing I still have my cloths, Jacket, Backpack, Sleeping Bag, Laptop with power cord, Cellphone with charger cord, my pipe and Tobacco, my notebooks, pens, Pencils, Gaming books and finally my Lighter.* "By the stars of Cosmo, what the heck. Did I just walk through a gate of some kind? That shouldn't have been possible. All the gate were sealed in Sanctuary, last I remember. I hope Alaira ain't playing tricks on me again."

*I look for some sign of civilization and in hopes of finding something to eat. While doing this, I pull out my pipe and fill it with a pinch of tobacco and light it with my lighter. I do this to calm my slightly shocked nerves.*

Out of Character:
I hope this is a good start.

Attached Image Edited: allencory on 29th May, 2017 - 4:39am

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29th May, 2017 - 4:43am / Post ID: #
L4 Bard
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3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game - Page 86

The Storyteller says...

Having left my home with all the basics, my wallet and keys, as well my laptop and power cord with a few other items that could fit. Everything was fully charged, and I had left fairly early to get a good start when it happened asking myself, "Where is he, not even his sister knows where he is. Hopefully I can find him and he hasn't gotten himself in trouble."

I was at first confused in what had taken place, and even after getting my bearings and realized I was within some kind of forest or woodlands. I was surprised at how clear the air was and how the smells of nature could be smelt, and ask myself, "Where am I any way? I don't remember there being a forest anywhere in Magna."

I had not intended to stumble into a stream, but was thankful I had avoided falling completely. It was shallow, coming up to a little above my ankles where I was, leaving just my shoes and socks wet as well a bit of my pant legs, "Well isn't that great."

Checking my laptop, I was glad to realize it appeared unharmed, having draped it over my neck and shoulder thus in a more steady position. "Well at least this is safe," Once that was done I would look around to see what I might recognize or notice.

Out of Character: Allen is used to roleplaying by using asterisks for actions, and is also used to referring to himself in first person.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 29th May, 2017 - 4:48am

Thomas Results:
  • Spot on D20 (-1): 7 (1 roll)
  • Listen on D20 (-1): 13 (1 roll)
  • Survival on D20 (+2): 10 (1 roll)
  • Knowledge (nature) on D20 (+3): 7 (1 roll)

Post Date: 29th May, 2017 - 6:20am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 86

I watch Jason as well with interest, "Is there anything I can do to help? You are the engineer. Back in the old days I'd use Det cord and throw in a few flash bangs."

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