I get behind Jason too. "Damn I hate being like this" I say to them both. I offer my help to Rachel although I'm grievously wounded too. "I don't know how much help I'll be Rachel, but here is my arm if you need it." I cringe as I extend it.
*I continue on my path for a while. I also look for potentially edible plants, nuts and berries that could prove useful in the hours ahead. I also make sure my Laptop and Phone are currently off.* 'I don't want to waste any battery. I did charge them before leaving.' *After a small but full search of the current surrounding area, for edible food and potential healing herbs, I will then continue onward.
Specific Action: First, I look around to find any possible edible non-poisonous looking food and potential healing herbs. Second, I check what I have to make sure everything is secure and that my phone and Laptop are currently off. Finally, I continue onwards in the same westerly direction hoping to find some kind of sign of civilization or town.
Main group - How well do you search the goblins? Which room do you wish to search first the one to the left or the right. Which one you chose could prove interesting.
Group B - Allen continues to head west he has not seen any sign of civilization yet. HE does come across a small stream. Thomas what two moons it is day light.
Out of Character: I meant twin suns not twin moons, my apologizes, as you did mention such in an earlier post. As such, since I was in the/a clearing I assumed that this was something that could be seen. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jun, 2017 - 11:58pm
Out of Character: presuming Ghost doesn't react to either door, checking the right one first. If there is some kind of reaction on approach, reassessing then.
As to search thoroughness, I think removing armor/weapons, stacking them to the side, then a quick patdown for coins and such.