I move forward with the group, keeping my eyes and ears open for anything out of the norm. I smile to myself and I think that, out of the norm. A few weeks ago hunting goblins in a cave would be ludicrous.
Out of Character: I added a few attacks… just in case. I'll be out of the net again later today until some time tomorrow.
There is no signs of goblins as you get to the T intersection and then turn left. You travel 40 feet where the corridor turns to the right. Looking around the right you see nothing and the corridor goes ten feet and then turns back to the left. You get to the turn and look down the corridor. It continues straight out of the sight of your light.
New spot and listen rolls please.
I sigh, taking in consideration how far we've already gone into the cave, before saying softly, "Lets continue then." I will follow, more towards the back but still close to the party. Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Jul, 2017 - 2:30am
I shrug and smile. " So far, so good. Don't be so pessimistic guys. What could go wrong? " I laugh softly but pay close attention. Ghost stalks ahead sniffing the air while I walk alongside of him. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Jul, 2017 - 12:55am