Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul - Page 5 of 6

'Cocaine Cassie' gets six - Page 5 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 2nd Nov, 2017 - 1:57am

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Discuss  Cassandra Sainsbury' s Drug Haul
Post Date: 10th Aug, 2017 - 8:24pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
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Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul - Page 5

Yeah, she is making it up as she goes and it's going to cost her in the end. The thing about lies, the deeper you get into them the more intricate they become the better chance at getting tripped up.

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Post Date: 10th Aug, 2017 - 8:25pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
A Friend

Haul Drug Sainsburys Cassandra

Right now she is looking at 16 years in jail. That will not be a short or a pleasant time in there for her and she will be unhappy most of the time.

Post Date: 10th Aug, 2017 - 8:37pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
A Friend

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul History & Civil Business Politics


Unhappy I think is quite an understatement. They are not noted for their pleasant prisons there and as the ultimate outsider she will be targeted by every group and clique there.

Post Date: 10th Aug, 2017 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
A Friend

Page 5 Haul Drug Sainsburys Cassandra

Yeah that is very true but I was trying to offer her up some sort of hope once she gets in there. She should just plead guilty and plea bargain for a good outcome if there is one.

Post Date: 10th Aug, 2017 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
A Friend

Haul Drug Sainsburys Cassandra

If she does go away for 16 years there she had better hope her family can give her a lot of money… because that is the only way I think she'll actually survive. She'll need to bribe guards and other inmates to protect her, and that ain't cheap.

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2017 - 4:36am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul

'Cocaine' Cassie may get six years. A COLOMBIAN judge is set to agree on a plea-deal with Cassandra Sainsbury's lawyers which could see her out of jail in as little as three-and-a-half years. Source 1n.

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Post Date: 21st Oct, 2017 - 3:28pm / Post ID: #

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul
A Friend

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul - Page 5

Well it looks like she has taken a good plea deal and may be able to be free and go back home in as little as four years. I hope that she survives prison life.

Post Date: 2nd Nov, 2017 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Cassandra Sainsbury's Drug Haul Politics Business Civil & History - Page 5

'Cocaine Cassie' gets six years' jail. CASSIE Sainsbury could be home in two-and-a-half years after a Colombian judge accepted a plea deal and gave her a huge fine. Source 4f.

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