If you could play any ONE video game for the next six months without being able to play any other video game which one video game would you choose?
Yes I agree that World or Warcraft could count here. I would not chose that as it is basically a useless game that would bore me after about two or three weeks. I am more of a stand alone game that is not online a lot. I am finding myself not getting on line to play games as much besides the play by post type.
If I was to play an online game for six months it would be probably DDO.
It's the only game I can think of that is a single game that I like enough that I could play for six months. Not other single, stand alone VG would hold my attention for that long. Also, with the interaction it adds variables that change things up a bit. Well, that's my pick at least.
I think that the cost of WoW is what keeps me from recommending it DDO is cheaper in my book. I know there are a lot of games out there that can keep one busy for six months by itself. I took Skyrim as it is much cheaper and I am a cheapskate *smile* I am sure there are others that will keep one occupied very well for the six months.