We started to distrust the news when stopped telling us the real news and started trying to tell us the way we should think. When I turn on news I want to be told what is going on in the world not what to think or do. If the news organizations went back to doing that then maybe we would not be soo divided. One of the worse is that AntiFA. I think they are the ones now trying to divide us even more. We need more things that unite us now more than ever I believe.
It's not just on the left in my opinion, it's on both sides. Yes, ANTIFA is trying to divide us but so are the white supremacists. What we need is a news organization that actually reports fairly on both sides and shows that there are crazies on both sides trying to hurt this country. Hell, trying to destroy this country and inflict their ideas on everyone, just like the ISIS crazies are trying to do.