Browser Cache & Content Troubles

Browser Cache Content Troubles - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 7th Jan, 2018 - 3:59pm

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Do some pages appear to change or be the same when loading a link thus getting unexpected results?
27th Dec, 2017 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

Browser Cache & Content Troubles

Some Members who do not regularly clear their browser's cache may access a link expecting to see the latest content only to see the same content they have already seen. This may be due to their browser's cache showing old information.

What Is A Cache?

Your browser is able to 'save' what you see and then display it again when it recognizes the same link being accessed. There are pros and cons to this with the pros being that the page loads faster but the cons is that the page's content may have been updated since last time you viewed. Pages in this Community are largely dynamic (They are updated with each load) rather than static (The same page content on each load) so having a cache show you old content defeats the purpose.

Example Of Why I See The Same Content

For instance, this site uses a tag on a link to enable you to see the latest Post of a Thread without having to try and find it yourself. Since the link remains the same your browser might try to cache it in an effort to speed loading times but what happens is your browser shows you the old content rather than the new if the Thread has been updated since you last used it.

How Do I Clear My Cache?

It depends on your browser and settings. For some people, just closing your browser and then opening it up again will do it. For others you will have to go into settings, and still for others you may have to do a DNS flush. You can read more about that here: Cache, Transfers, Domains, & DNS Propagation

Can You Force My Browser To Not Cache?

Indirectly, we can tell your browser that it should not cache content here. As of today (Date of this Post) we have done that to see if it helps Members suffering with caching issues. We will monitor it to see if it causes more of a lag in loading pages but it should only be microscopic (Hopefully). This Thread will allow you to Discuss the issue without having to bring it up elsewhere in the Community.

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29th Dec, 2017 - 10:38pm / Post ID: #

Troubles Content and Cache Browser

Only thing I've experienced was one of the columns kept showing me an old post as the latest but I figured that was my browser when I closed it and opened back up showing me the correct post. Haven't tested it since whatever change you made but I will let you know.

7th Jan, 2018 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

Browser Cache & Content Troubles Feedback & FAQ News Community

I received no feedback on this issue so I can only assume that those who were having troubles before are no longer having such since the change to no cache control.

Note: The "Getlastpost" will still show certain pages until you clear your browser as I have no control over that but may adjust the code in the future.

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