Vathak Terrors: Cured of Ursatur review. Based on your experiences what are the highlights, pros and cons of Vathak Terrors: Cured of Ursatur?
Although the Plague of Shadows ended years ago, Ursatur still bears its terrible scars. Unspeakable prices were paid by those who survived, from the implantation of Plague Cymoths to St. Anna’s human experimentation. Even those who survived those horrible years cannot rest easy, their fears tying them to life as Extergeists.
Vathak Terrors: Cured of Ursatur is a supplement for Shadows over Vathak, especially those exploring Ina’oth. This product is a perfect supplement for any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, especially horror. The Vathak Terrors product line presents an assortment of creatures and encounters to use in your next adventure. Included in this product are Anna’s Forgotten (CR 13), Extergeists (CR 5), and Plague Cymoths (CR 1/2).