What Can Stop A Grenade's Blast?

What Stop Grenade' S Blast - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 23rd Apr, 2018 - 5:09am

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Post Date: 23rd Apr, 2018 - 5:00am / Post ID: #

What Can Stop A Grenade's Blast?

What could stop the blast of a grenade so you are unharmed: a sheet of metal, a heavy wooden door, a car, 30 feet of jungle / forest between you and the grenade?

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Post Date: 23rd Apr, 2018 - 5:09am / Post ID: #

What Can Stop A Grenade's Blast?
A Friend

Blast Grenades Stop What

Any of the above given the right circumstances. There isn't as much force behind a standard fragmentation grenade as people think, its killing power lies in terms of sending metal fragments into everything nearby, not explosive force.

For the first two, assuming a reasonable thickness for the metal (Aluminum foil need not apply) you're only in trouble if the grenade is in a position to concentrate the force of the explosion on the barrier.

Being on the far side of a car might do it, it might not. Shrapnel could get flung underneath and hit your feet, the gas tank could combust, etc. All told however, the frame of a car is capable of absorbing the blast in your stead, you just need to be mindful of how it is shielding you.

As to the forest scenario, at 30 feet, you are already outside of the normal lethal radius of a typical grenade (~15 feet). Drop to the ground and let the foliage do the rest, and chances are you won't be injured either. At least by the grenade, no promises about a tree not falling on you :P.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 23rd Apr, 2018 - 5:15am

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