What's the title of the first video game you bought without having to ask someone to buy it for you?
The first video game I purchased with my own money was the golden Legend of Zelda cartridge. It was my introduction to Role-playing Games and the sandbox style games. I sat up all night long the first night I got it, entranced.
The first video game I bought myself was dot.hack for the ps2. I felt so proud of that and really enjoyed the game. Ended up buying the rest of the series.
I can't remember the actual very first video game I bought with my own money but one of my first PC games was Dragonlance: Companions of the Lance. It had 8-bit graphics with a hybrid GUI-Text interface and the media was a set of 5.25" floppy disks.
I honestly have no clue what the first video game I bought with my own money was. I grew up with Playstation. Who's money was who's between my parents buying games with their credit cards on my behalf just so I could give them the cash I had in hand (That I had saved up from birthdays and Christmas mostly) kind of blurs this line further.
It was probably Call of Duty 3.
I can clearly remember my friend getting it and I stayed the night at his house playing it all night with him. Pretty sure I went to GameXchange or a Family Video or something similar within the week after that and I bought it in cash after begging my grandmother to take me. Edited: Diamondace on 11th Aug, 2021 - 1:42am