First Video Game You Bought

First Video Game Bought - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 16th Sep, 2023 - 2:50am

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2018 - 3:45am / Post ID: #

First Video Game You Bought

What's the title of the first video game you bought without having to ask someone to buy it for you?

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10th Nov, 2018 - 9:28am / Post ID: #

Bought Game Video First

First video game I bought was Corsairs. Yup it's a no name game, but those pirates and those ships made it so fun to play. Too bad I can't play it on Windows 7, I need a Windows 98 setup.

18th Nov, 2018 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #

First Video Game You Bought Gaming Video & Issues Computer

The first video game I purchased with my own money was the golden Legend of Zelda cartridge. It was my introduction to Role-playing Games and the sandbox style games. I sat up all night long the first night I got it, entranced.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

Bought Game Video First

The first video game I bought myself was dot.hack for the ps2. I felt so proud of that and really enjoyed the game. Ended up buying the rest of the series.

6th Aug, 2021 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

Bought Game Video First

I can't remember the actual very first video game I bought with my own money but one of my first PC games was Dragonlance: Companions of the Lance. It had 8-bit graphics with a hybrid GUI-Text interface and the media was a set of 5.25" floppy disks.

11th Aug, 2021 - 1:42am / Post ID: #

First Video Game You Bought

I honestly have no clue what the first video game I bought with my own money was. I grew up with Playstation. Who's money was who's between my parents buying games with their credit cards on my behalf just so I could give them the cash I had in hand (That I had saved up from birthdays and Christmas mostly) kind of blurs this line further.

It was probably Call of Duty 3.

I can clearly remember my friend getting it and I stayed the night at his house playing it all night with him. Pretty sure I went to GameXchange or a Family Video or something similar within the week after that and I bought it in cash after begging my grandmother to take me.

Attached Image Edited: Diamondace on 11th Aug, 2021 - 1:42am

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17th Sep, 2021 - 7:38am / Post ID: #

First Video Game Bought

Completely with my own money was Skyrim! And for that and so many other reasons I play it even nowadays. Best purchase ever.

I even have it for different platforms now.

16th Sep, 2023 - 2:50am / Post ID: #

First Video Game Bought Computer Issues & Video Gaming

For me it was warcraft for playstation 1, as my family only have playstaition at that time not sure is it legit one or some kind of pirated version.

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