Which video game do you like a lot but can never seem to be good at playing it?
I really liked fallout 3. I don't know if it was because I was young or what but I really struggled with that game. Constantly dying. It was very frustrating cause I loved the story, and game play.
I can very much appreciated games like the Dark Soul series, even if I fear I might have a really hard time playing such. With there being a few games I not as proficient in but still enjoy for the story, characterizations, atmosphere, and visuals.
Actually I can understand that feeling. I have a friend who owns Super Smash Bros and because of such is able to play fairly often. So whenever I played with his, it wasn't very hard to guess who won the vast majority of the time. Which, admittedly shows practice and how often you play a game makes a difference in proficiency in it.
Though even though, I have suspected possibly in part because of my Aspergers, my hand-eye coordination just seems to be a bit off where games requiring exact movements and reflexes are simply more difficult for me in general. Which admittedly, is a frustration in and off itself.