I am Amare and I was given this name as a reminder to hold those close to me dear. I am known as the slayer because I will cut down those who come to harm what I hold dear to me.
I stand 6 foot 3 inches with a broad muscular body. I have dark red hair braided into a ponytail that goes down to the middle of my back and is followed up with a grisly beard. I have black eyes and tanned skin almost to the point of brown, as well as, a rough appearance from all my labor.
I see myself as you who follows the honor code of warriors. I want to have the best armor and weapons for myself by starting a trade in blacksmith. I view alliances as partnerships for the same goal and potential lifelong friends.
I intend to rid the governing powers of corruption and pursue justice in those who cannot fight for themselves in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that I would rather help you out of a difficult situation then be betrayed because if betrayed I will hold no mercy. Thus, I now start this path towards justice.
Advisor Description
It was dawn when I arrived in the town and my first steps were heading towards the tavern to feed my ravenous hunger. I notice a woman following me almost matching me step for step in the crowd. It seemed like she was trying to blend in, but it was hard for her with her bright red hair. I decide to go into the tavern anyway and got a corner table facing the doorway to see if she would follow me in here as well. As she entered the doorway I got a better look of her purple corset and gown that flowed down to her ankles matched with her extremely ample bosom makes it blasphemy that she ever thought of blending in.
She sat down at my table awkward not knowing how to bring about the start of the conversation. I, even though suspicious because I'm more of an upfront type of man, initiate the conversation asking her name.
"I am Destiny," She shyly looks around, "I was one of your childhood playmates."
Of course, how could I forget her! I hadn't seen her in 4 years and yet she's changed so much.
"Sorry to not recognize you, but why are you here with me?" I asked
"I have come to help you. I know I might not be much but I want to be of use to you, especially after what had happened with your mother." She said.
"Of course, all help is welcome including one that is a friend such as yourself!" I exclaim.
We finish our meal and bid farewell, both of us looking forward to our future relationship and maybe more…
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
This world is filled with wonders
Yet it's sure what's causing men to flounder
As this worlds most precious treasure
Is fathomable beyond measure
Graced by such ample bosom
For which is most troublesome
Men who cannot keep there eyes up
Beauty attracts them like the cattle roundup
If only words were able to do you justice
Brings fragility to even the most robust
That the most that can be done
Is a simple poem to be matched by none.
Most beautiful lady of Amare
I saw a flash of brimming blue hair flowing all the way down to her round bottom. She was wearing a skin tight tank top which could barely contain the extreme amount of cleavage that was showing. She also had a cloak that flowed from the waist down sometimes flapping in the wind to show black heel boots. She stood so out of place and yet seemed to fit in to the gracious crowd which was so contradictory to me. She looked over and winked at me with her bright green eyes. I felt as if all breathe had left my body as I ached to see more of her. But just as soon as the show started she hopped off the fountain in the middle of the streets and disappeared among the crowd.
I saw the chance to finally help my city to an even deeper level when the town hall chancellor approached me. Upon patrol to confront the traitor and end him to protect the city. As the patrol was nearing end I confronted and attacked him. Unfortunately, I did not come fully prepared for the unexpected events of patrol on top or the confrontation to leave me so fatigued. It was impossible for me to out maneuver the barbarian as his axed fell upon me and I breathed my last breath.