Lukas the Swordsman

Lukas Swordsman - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 16th Jun, 2018 - 3:36am

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15th Jun, 2018 - 7:04pm / Post ID: #


Lukas the Swordsman

My name is Lukas. I like to describe myself as a "knower of things" as I have spent a good portion of my childhood reading books, histories, and fantasies. That was my go-to pass time for when I was not training.

In my early childhood, I trained simply to give myself an advantage over the other children in the games and sports that we would play. As I got older, I began training for a different reason. I wanted to take up skill with a sword, as I've learned in my studies that this world is less than kind. I also developed a pristine admiration for knights and users of the blade.

My sword-fighting instructor constantly complimented my natural ability with the long-sword. After years of developing my skill, I can safely say that I can take care of myself when I have a sword in possession.

I am proud of my physique, as I have worked hard to achieve it. Over the years of hard training, my body is well-toned. I stand at a height of five feet and eleven inches. My hair is black as oil and cut at a short length with it pulled back. I have been told that my eyes remind others of the ocean, as they are of a deep blue color. I am fair of skin from my days training in the sun.

I hope to make a little money for myself working jobs that involve my skills with the sword. I don't intend on killing anyone to make money, but seeing as how good my technique is, I can't help but pursue a career in something that I am good at.

My mother constantly mentioned my destiny as becoming the next Ruler of Kings. The thought of such a thing has appealed to me, though it seems a difficult task. I feel like my first step in achieving such a goal would have to start with gaining influence and connections. So, through working jobs with a blade, I may be able to form a small company and start from there, after I make a little coin first.

I feel that my quest will either be an interesting one, or one that backfires in my face. There's only one way to find out.

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15th Jun, 2018 - 7:40pm / Post ID: #


Swordsman Lukas

Advisor Description

While I was working as a bodyguard, I noticed that on some days, a mysterious individual would follow me as I made the walk home after a hard day of work. From what I could tell, the man was dressed in chain-mail and the unmistakable shape of a scabbard hung at his belt. On one particular day, I decided to lead my shadow down an alleyway on one of the less busier streets to try and get a closer look at him. When I entered the alleyway, I made sure to hide myself before the man could look down it. I thought that he would quit pursuing once he saw that dark alley, but the man continued walking forward without a care.

He immediately stopped in front of my hiding place, which brought a sharp feeling of fear in my stomach. How was he able to find me with such ease? I decided to emerge from my hiding spot and see what the man wanted. He told me that he was a captain over a unit of soldiers in The Town that focused on crime related issues. Because of his experience in that regard, he was able to easily find me. It was his job to find people and hunt them down, after all.

I was fearful of the man at first, but that soon simmered down once I realized that he did not intend to harm me. I did not like having him keep his eye on me for so long without a word, which he explained that he did so because he wanted to protect me. I assumed that he knew my father, but I never asked. We spoke for a while in that alleyway, and eventually decided to meet again, which turned into regular meetings.

I learned that the man's name was Cleos the second time that we met, which was in a local tavern. He's given a good impression, other than the fact that he was following me for so long. I think that this man will be able to help me in my quest, especially with his leadership experience. A friendship with someone in a position of command will serve to expand my influence, and the tips that he could give me would prove valuable, I feel.

Like I said, I feel like he knows my father and that is why he sought me. I am not entirely positive though, but it has to be something. He knows who I am, nonetheless.

15th Jun, 2018 - 8:37pm / Post ID: #


Lukas the Swordsman Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

My mother was a wonderful and diligent woman from how I remember her. Whenever there was something that needed to be done, such as cleaning the house, she went on her tasks immediately without any delay. I never had to miss a meal as she always prepared them in a timely manner. I also remember that my mother was beautiful, she had long flowing brown hair and remained well in-shape even into her forties.

One of the most important things that I remember from my mother is her wit and advice. She always knew what to say when I was feeling down in order to cheer me up. She also knew how to bend words to her will in any conversation. I remember that she had an answer for every question that I asked her, and she spent time answering my questions rather than brushing them off as childish nonsense. One of the most important things my mother always talked with me about was my destiny, to become a Ruler of Kings.

15th Jun, 2018 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #


Swordsman Lukas

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

The wonderful Lady Fluke
She is charming more than a duke,
Her curly blonde hair
Makes her look very fair.

Her heart gleams with joy
Which brings a smile to this boy,
Her eyes shine bright
They make me not want to fight.

Her curling red lips
Are not enough to distract from her hips,
Oh Lady Fluke
Much brighter than the duke.

Your eyes sparkle in the light
So much so that I lose sight,
When your face turns to a frown
It makes me feel really down.

Oh Lady Fluke,
Fairer than any wife of a duke.

16th Jun, 2018 - 12:41am / Post ID: #


Swordsman Lukas

Most beautiful lady of Lukas

I was stopped right in my tracks once I saw her. She was beautiful. In the entirety of my young life, I do not think that I have seen a woman more beautiful than the one standing there across the street. Her acorn colored hair fell just to her shoulders. Her figure was curvaceous where it counted, and I could tell that she was rather fit. I saw her brown eyes glance at me and blushed. Just the opportunity alone to lay eyes on a sight such as this was rewarding enough, but as things go, it certainly was not enough. I wanted her.

When you first catch sight of someone attractive, there's that moment of mystery about the person, as you know nothing of them. That mystery filled me with excitement.

She was also quite tan. A natural tan, not a workers tan. It seems that her genetics gave her something admirable in that department. But again, she was wondrous to look upon.

16th Jun, 2018 - 3:36am / Post ID: #


Lukas the Swordsman

I have lost all drive to pursue my goal of becoming a ruler of kings. It all started when I entered a tunnel system below The Town. Some mystical force ruined my soul to the point that I can't even talk to people very well anymore. In fact, I fear social interaction all together now. I just want to sit and be alone with some books. That is why I have made the decision to leave The Town to find a small place in the middle of no where so that I can avoid unnecessary interaction and simply focus on reading. I did not make it far in my journey, but that doesn't matter anymore. All that matters now is that I am done, and I don't even feel bad about it. This will be the last entry to my journal, so to anyone that is reading this, this is farewell.

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