Runic the Sorcerer

Runic Sorcerer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 9th Aug, 2018 - 3:54pm

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ROK II Text RPG Character 540
6th Jul, 2018 - 7:07pm / Post ID: #


Runic the Sorcerer

I hail from an improper beginning with only a mother I knew who cared for me. My darkly appearance is not by accident it is the sum of my up bringing. Men often say I'm the 'devil' walking the earth because my eyes look like crimson red. I do not try to correct them because I enjoy the fear I put into them. I like the magic arts specially the dark kind because of the power they bring. I know I will be ruler of kings, that is what the gods have said and that is what I am destined to be.

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7th Jul, 2018 - 8:03pm / Post ID: #


Sorcerer Runic

Advisor Description

I was sent a message by James, a politician who has known to be rather underhanded, he said he wanted to see me. I thought it might be of some use but was guarded. In the meeting I discovered he knew a lot about my past and was given charge to assist me. I was a bit suspicious of what he would get out of it but decided to play along to see if it might be beneficial to me.

8th Jul, 2018 - 12:48pm / Post ID: #


Runic the Sorcerer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

My mother, a good woman, but she was not very smart in marrying a man that cared nothing for her or his child. Still, I respect what she has done for me as I can now make my own decisions and have been given a bit of an advantage in life that others do not have. This much I know of my mother may she rest in peace.

9th Jul, 2018 - 1:51pm / Post ID: #


Sorcerer Runic

Message to Advisor

James I have taken up learning a skill that I never thought I would need, 'running'. I do not like to run, I like to face danger head on but there are others who think differently so I am amusing them this time to see what I learn from it.

25th Jul, 2018 - 4:53am / Post ID: #


Sorcerer Runic

Message to Advisor

I am training my reflexes at the moment. I am only sending this message to let you know that I am grateful for your gift. It will come in very handy should I encounter any difficulty but truly I hope never to be in a position that I have to use it.

4th Aug, 2018 - 6:39pm / Post ID: #


Runic the Sorcerer

Message to Advisor

Thank you for your guidance it has helped me to get started. Now, there is so much I must do and little time to do it. Each training delays my ability to get out there and explore but I suppose I must wait until I am more experienced or I will probably end up as food for the ravens.

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6th Aug, 2018 - 7:53am / Post ID: #


Runic Sorcerer

Reflections on your father

If my own evilness could be blamed on anyone it would probably be my father. Anytime I was left on my own, bullied or trampled on he was not there need in body or spirit. Not having a father made me a target as everyone saw me as the mother's boy who had no father. It hurt to the point of anger, no more.

9th Aug, 2018 - 3:54pm / Post ID: #


Runic Sorcerer Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Message to Advisor

I looked for employment in the town but what they offered paid too little for my needs so I decided to see a quest instead as you suggested. I am down in the caves beneath Lady Fluke's place. It is like a maze here and I don't know if I will get out but so far I have not had anything bad happen to me.

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