Jonathan the Brawler

Jonathan Brawler - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 27th Oct, 2019 - 9:04am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Posts: 21 - Views: 2957
ROK II Text RPG Character 563
18th Jul, 2018 - 2:40am / Post ID: #


Jonathan the Brawler

I am Jonathan, a name I was given. I have accepted it but I like my title better which tells a better tale of who I am, a fighter. I am six feet four inches tall and muscular but I do not look like an oversized balloon, to me that is not appealing nor necessary. I was told by my mother that I should be a ruler of this land and I intend to carry out her dying wishes by any means necessary.

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4th Aug, 2018 - 12:11pm / Post ID: #


Brawler Jonathan

Advisor Description

He was not the kind of person I would normally find myself associating but he seemed knowledgeable and capable. His name was Gareth and he said he watched me from the first time I came into the town. He said my mother was looking for someone that would watch out for her son and he was the only one that remained true. I am watching him carefully, I do not fully trust him but I am listening.

6th Aug, 2018 - 3:25am / Post ID: #


Jonathan the Brawler Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Message to Advisor

It has been an interesting time in the town thus far. I have discovered new places and available items that I did not think about like the elixir you gave to me earlier today. I am hoping to put it to good use as soon as I need it. Other than that I am doing some training now.

17th Mar, 2019 - 7:32am / Post ID: #


Brawler Jonathan

Message to Advisor

I thought I would be able to study hardy as you suggested but the instructors believe I need to have level one experience so I decided to study reflexes which I guess will be almost as rewarding. I am on a break until I have to go again.

10th May, 2019 - 7:38am / Post ID: #


Brawler Jonathan

Reflections On Your Mother

My mother was the only true friend I had in this world until she died. I used to eagerly listen to her counsel but never appreciate it as much as I do now that she is gone. I intend to make the best of the time I have in her honor.

8th Oct, 2019 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #


Jonathan the Brawler

No matter mine future, fer today I am not only known as the Brawler, but I am also an expert Hand Wrestling of which I am very proud.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
10th Oct, 2019 - 5:47pm / Post ID: #


Jonathan Brawler

It was confirmed upon meh, Jonathan the Brawler, that I am now an expert in Swim.

27th Oct, 2019 - 9:04am / Post ID: #


Jonathan Brawler Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

I am considered the master of the Lift Skill.

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