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Dnarion Introduction
Who am I?
What do I want?
These are the questions so often asked in one form another. Ah, but to simply tell you would, perhaps, negate the mystery which these two questions so often wish to unveil. Yet, I suppose some knowledge of myself must come out - if for no other reason than to shed a bit of light on the person writing this.
To answer the first question: I am myself. I know, not much is it, but it is the truest words spoken. It means I remain who I am regardless of those around me. I may adapt to my settings and surroundings, but at my core I am who I am: writer, tactician, hopeless romantic, historian, and paladin. I have enjoyed writing since I started at the age of 14 when I wrote my first alternate history: a time travel story of me going back to the Battle of the Alamo with Winchester '73 repeating rifles and the ammo to go with it for the defenders along with a gatling gun. My writing usually has a wide variety of elements: horror, intrigue, military action, romance, and so forth. I have played Dungeons & Dragons since Second Edition, and also done my own personal writing of adventures as a Dungeon Master. That should tell you more of who I am.
To the second question: It is always something to be cautious about answering. One of my favorite characters from the old Science Fiction series: BABYLON 5 by the name of Londo Mollari once answered this question rather poorly. Afterwards, he plunged his people and the Narn into war, and began the events leading to the Shadow War at terrible costs to himself, his world, and millions of others. So, what do I want? Well, perhaps we should narrow that down a bit, yes? What do I want here? Fair enough! I want to enjoy myself with the others here as we explore Ruler of Kings, II. How that comes about only Time will truly tell, but we shall see.
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Gender: Male
Politics: Unsure
Tenet: LDS (Mormon)
Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG
Age: Forty Something |
Joined: Reg.
18th Jul, 2018 - 5:16pm Signature: