It seems like Mr. Biden has a potty mouth and apparently it's okay with the President and other people.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
This is pretty mutch common knowledge and a bit off topic but most realize politicians do not speak for the people. It is no surprise to be Joe Biden isn't any different. I can't imagine why the common people would assume Joe Biden had anything worth while to say. More often than not it appears the common people are more informed than the actual government. I think in general if you are waiting for Joe Biden to say anything of importance you will be waiting a long, long time. Let alone actuallly act on an idea that makes sense.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 70 7%
Latest America Bash: Biden in Brussels
The Obama apology tour is relentless and persistent - and it doesn't stop with Barack Obama. Joe Biden was recently in Brussels speaking and just couldn't resist throwing America directly under the bus. Is there anyone in this administration who is actually proud of America? Biden trashes America and Glenn responds in the latest Beck Talks video blog. Ref. Source 6
Joe Biden Lends Support to Vote Process for Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution
Nairobi, Kenya (LifeNews.com) -- Vice President Job Biden campaigned in Kenya today and, although he did not officially endorse the pro-abortion constitution Kenya citizens are considering this summer, he backed the process allowing its consideration. Kenya is one of many African nations that currently protects women and unborn children.
Biden urged the Kenyan government and its people to support the reforms the government wants to implement.
The government is currently supporting the constitution, which expresses support for the legal rights of children before birth but includes a health exception loophole that would essentially allow unlimited legal abortions.
In a speech at the Kenyatta International Conference Center in Nairobi during the second day of his visit, Biden re-affirmed President Barack Obama's support for Kenya's process of reviewing its newly proposed constitution.
He said reviewing the draft is a key component of foreign nations having diplomatic and economic ties with Kenya.
"We are hopeful, Barack Obama is hopeful, I am hopeful that you will carry out these reforms to allow money to flow," Biden said -- which could prompt some people to support the constitution out or fear that the United States government will not support Kenya. Ref. Source 7
Biden gaffe #4118852
Someone at the White House left Joe Biden unattended, and he managed to escape long enough to commit another patented Biden gaffe. This time he lashes out at a custard shop owner who asked Biden to lower taxes. This was actually gaffe #3 of the day. #1 occurred when Biden asked the custard shop owner for ice cream. Gaffe #2 was when the Vice President said, 'there's no possibility to restore the 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession." Glenn has the audio of the latest gaffe on radio. Ref. Source 1
Is Joe Biden drunk?
He must be, because yesterday he said the economy is on the right track. The economic news of the day (week and year for that matter) seems to strongly suggest otherwise. Glenn goes through the news that Biden apparently didn't read on radio today. Ref. Source 6
Biggest election lie of the year...
There have been a lot of them so far - including Joe Biden's latest foray into mathematics where he declared the GOP has spent '$200 billion' on election ads this year. Perhaps Joe would be happier if that money went to famous stimulus projects such as turtle tunnels and sidewalks to nowhere. But one lie this season stands out from the rest. Find out which one in the latest Beck Talks video blog - Source 1