Reflections on your mother
She was a true role model and I loved her but the way she died was heartless and a revenge so great is brewing in my heart. It is my aim to vanquish anyone the opposes me and should I ever find the people who did this they will wish they weren't born.
Message to Advisor
Mlinda this will sound silly but I found a gold piece on the road and I wasn't sure if I should pick it up. I feel like I'm being watched. I decided to take it anyway because I am low on gold and the situation was tempting but should I have left it there?
Message to Advisor
Do not talk to me about ethics as I feel what I did today is for the greater cause. I saw a woman who had her gold exposed. She was asleep and made it easy for me to take it. I feel this was made possible for me rather than mere luckluck so I took it without regret.
Reflections on your father
My father I never knew is like hearing a story from a story book. You hear the story but can only imagine what took place. I do not even remember what he looks like because his last visit was when I was very young.
First time in the Town
My first time in this town was bewildering. I did not know where to go or who to trust. There was so much to learn but I wasn't sure who I should be learning it from. I am so glad those days are gone and I can find my way around without problems.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
A man in a dark cloak approached me when I entered the tavern for my usual drink and meal. At first I thought it was some new challenge but as he talked I realized this was something else entirely. He introduced himself as a representative of a wealthy merchant that had an unknown interest in my success. I was impressed with this as it meant my fame was growing. He promised I was going to get an endowment that I could use towards my own development. We left on a good note and he promised to get back to me.