Thoughts on the Chancellor
The chancellor is not someone wit whom I am acquainted so having thoughts on him is like trying to talk about someone you have never met. I have once tried to get his audience but was quickly turned away by his guards. I guess he as very busy or I wasn't royal enough to be in his presence but either way he does not mean much to me.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
"Do not be alarmed, I have been sent to bring you good news. You have an anonymous interest who wants to help." These are the words of a tall slim man who concealed most of his features with a hood and cloak. I could tell he was a servant of some kind because of his vestures. He promised to talk only and that he would not push anything at me. I accepted and followed him to a table that was for two where we sat and discussed what would transpire from an endowment. I was very curious but made it clear that if this was a trap or setup that I would find him and end his life. He smiled and said it is not a setup and I will be greatly rewarded. I await to see.
Message to Advisor
Even if I am not able to accomplish much as an individual there is a sense of pride that comes from being committed to these patrols and finishing each of them. I feel as though I am protecting those who cannot help themselves from all the evil out there.