Silencedmind Introduction

Silencedmind Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 28th Aug, 2018 - 6:20pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 7 - Views: 297
Post Date: 15th Aug, 2018 - 7:42pm / Post ID: #

Silencedmind Introduction
A Friend

Silencedmind Introduction


After a small search on the web that originated through a sudden interest in text adventure games I came unto this website. Having read the rules, tips and reasons for making an official introduction here I am.

To kick off, I have no idea yet what this forum enfolds entirely. I do understand however, at least the tone given was, that you need to be serious about Role-playing Game and the more private reasons I am here.

I am.

Having a long last hobby of reading different fantasy I am being drawn in in the blink of an eye so to speak. Following my reading hobby I started to watch the cliché movies and series that sparked a fire in me that cannot die.
Then I discovered games. This was the ultimate fantasy setting for me, for I could influence the story, my character and important of all; Tons of adventures, for me to undertake, experience and be a part of the world that was evolving in front of my eyes. If not on the screen, then in my head. I could understand my characters motives, the consequences and so on and so forth.

Not every game had all aspects, not every movie was high quality and not every book.. Actually hold on. Books are closest to perfect.

The special way of books is the experience that it let's you undertake in thought and experience. Always in perfect graphics and audio.

And so I'm here to introduce myself because I'm a true Role-playing Game fan.

The prompted message before this introduction said to not use your real name right?

In that case, I'm Silencedmind. It's a nickname with two sides on it. One, I can focus and do what it says. And the second is that it sometimes is silenced because I once lived in a very active game addiction. Now I'm more or less free, but still with hiccups and difficulties. However, writing and fantasy is such a part of myself that I cannot stay away from the setting that once made me choose for a unhealthy habit.

To be more on point, I'm living in a mental health institution. It may sound hard, but it's just a room, with a kitchen, a bedroom, my bed and more. I live comfortably here to work on my autism and the problems that my addiction gave.

I work voluntarily, and have done different things. I have not found yet the right job to expand into something that pays, but in time perhaps.

What could I tell you more? My other hobbies would be sport, anything really and especially in a team form, reading, watching movies, a little bit of philosophize (Is this the right verb of the word?) and playing board games.

Oh, I'm dutch. I live in a cozy little village. We have a supermarket, a clothes store, a very big bicycle center and lot's of animals and cropland around our building. It's very serene here and whenever I have quests they always point out of the all day sound of birds and tractors. Or the smell, (Laugh).

Anyway, I think this is fine for an introduction. If you like to talk, have something to add or ask me something I'm here.



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Post Date: 15th Aug, 2018 - 7:42pm / Post ID: #

Middle Ages Facts

Introduction Silencedmind

Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!

So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we be havin' many an exciting Play By Post Role-playing Game here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?

[+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Member Wars Role-playing Game
[+] Text MMORPG / Ruler of Kings II Text Adventure

Ye can also Review Role-playing Games: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews

Post Date: 15th Aug, 2018 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Silencedmind Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Hi Silencedmind! That is a very interesting and thorough introduction. Your location sounds like a good place to relax 'get away from it all'. I think you will fit in nicely here. If you have any questions about the community please do ask here in your intro.

Post Date: 15th Aug, 2018 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #

Silencedmind Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Silencedmind

I created my character, and I have a vague idea how I'm going to roleplay him. However, I have one question.

1. Do you often restart? How does the progress looks like from start to ruler as ending(?) in like two sentences?

This will give me a little bit of standard as to how involved I'm going to get with my character. The website, the pages before creating all are giving me strong seriousness vibes, therefor I tend to roleplay more serious, involve a little bit of my own personality into the character with flaws and strong sides.

Post Date: 15th Aug, 2018 - 9:52pm / Post ID: #

Introduction Silencedmind

Hi again Silencedmind! There is a story that you follow in the beginning, you use that to create the kind of character you want. You live day by day with your character so its not a fast jump to being ruler. I am not sure what you mean by restart, however specific questions related to ROK II usually go in this thread: Discuss ROK II

Post Date: 28th Aug, 2018 - 3:46pm / Post ID: #

Silencedmind Introduction

Hi Silencedmind, I moved your post to here: Ruler of Kings 2 Text Role-playing Game General Discussion - Page 185 of 185 as that is the thread that specifically deals with ROK II. General support questions about how to use the community itself can stay here.

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Post Date: 28th Aug, 2018 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #

Silencedmind Introduction

Silencedmind, thank you for your Donation, your Membership has been upgraded to Premium and 2,500 FP has been deposited into your account as a way of us expressing our gratitude that you are willing to Donate towards the progress of the Community. You now have access to the Hidden Boards and can start a Private Blog or get your personal Avatar if you wish. Now a whole new world awaits you within the Community. For further help you may ask here or contact the Architect directly.

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