Evaluating Your First Impression

Evaluating Impression - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 18th Sep, 2018 - 6:55pm

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Initial Impressions
Post Date: 17th Sep, 2018 - 9:58am / Post ID: #

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Evaluating Your First Impression

You probably made a better first impression than you think. After we have conversations with new people, our conversation partners like us and enjoy our company more than we think, according to new findings. Source 3r.

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Post Date: 18th Sep, 2018 - 6:55pm / Post ID: #

Evaluating Your First Impression
A Friend

Impression Your Evaluating

I do wonder about how people see me after I have met them. Depending on the situation I can come across as egotistical or not very talkative depending on the subject matter. If we are talking about me I hope to come across as intelligent and comfortable with who I am. If we are talking about something I am very familiar with I come across as a know it all at times because I do know a lot about the line of work I am in. Do I know it all? No and I will tell you why I am not familiar with those parts. If we are talking about something I am not very familiar with I will speak less as I absorb some of the conversation to learn a bit about what they know and add it with what I know of the subject if anything.

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