Children with asthma are less likely to finish school and to work in non-manual occupations. People who suffer with persistent asthma from a young age are more likely to leave school at 16 years old and those who make it to university are more likely to drop out early, according to new research. The research also suggests that when this group of children grow up, they are less likely to work in certain non-manual occupations such as police officer, clerk or foreman. Source 9q.
Children who use asthma tracking app have better disease control and fewer hospital visits. An app that allows parents and doctors to monitor a child's asthma has a big impact on managing the disease. When families monitored symptoms with eAsthma Tracker and adjusted care accordingly, children had better asthma control and made fewer visits to the emergency department. Source 9c.
Compared to placebo, vitamin D has no benefit for severe asthma attacks, study finds. Contrary to earlier observational results, vitamin D supplements do not prevent severe asthma attacks in at-risk children, according to the first placebo-controlled clinical trial to test this relationship. Source 1b.