My name is Karneios, a wanderer who seeks to know the world. It is through travel one gains knowledge, through trial strength, and through tribulation wisdom. It is not my birthright to rule others, nor is it fate that shall bring me renown. No, only my efforts towards and for others will do such.
I stand a moderate five foot nine, a height that is not inconvenient yet often overshadowed by others in this realm. With exercise, I keep my fair form lean and agile. I am often noticed by my turquoise eyes which, I've been told, often convey mischief. Their glow is brightened by my dark red hair, almost maroon when beneath the pale moonlight. My clothes are often practical, but I enjoy the accent of light jewelry as well as dark painted designs to adorn my eyes.
The art of martial combat intrigues as much as magical talent. A strong mind and body benefit each other, as I have learned, and the deft movements of acrobatics are lent a certain edge when paired with sorcery.
I will go wherever the wind may take me, forging alliances with those I cross. Though the road may be harsh and the pleasures may be distracting, I must allows remember that peace is not stumbled upon. I will earn my name and let my adventures pave the way for others. Even if misfortune were to take me and allies were to desert me, I will keep moving forward.