I, am Telsor. People call me a rogue as a term of endearment - let me explain. Ive spent the past few years doing weekend work for the messengers guild often using my speed, agility, endurance and charisma to get urgent messages delivered when older and wiser heads said it couldnt be done - this is why they call me a rogue.
I stand five feet and nine inches tall with a toned body. I have brown hair with blue eyes. My tanned skin, light stubble, wry smile and eyes which twinkle with humour makes me unique.
I see myself as one who follows those who lead by example and prove themselves worthy. I want to see the world by first working as a messenger/courier/scout/procurement agent in the wider world. I generally view alliances as useful but only if they are equitable.
I intend to take equitable work in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Thus, I now start this path towards adventure.
Advisor Description
I met Geir whilst the two of us were still at school - we gelled almost immediately after being introduced by a mutual friend.
Geir was the more scholarly (Yet still very physical) of the two whereas I tended more toward mischief.
We had a had a significant number of school boy adventures together, getting into all sorts of mischief and scrapes. During this time we formed a bond that was destined to last many years. Our shared interest in travel and seeing the wider world formed the basis of many conversations and indeed our desire to leave the Home Town.
These days Geir is learning the work of a free trader and already looks to be understanding the nuances of turning a profit in tough trading conditions.
Were still in touch and see each other as often as our increasingly busy lives allow.
Most beautiful lady of Telsor
Telsor would never forget the young noblewoman and adventuress who had ridden into Town on a white charger. Despite being just three years his senior at 19, she had nevertheless made him feel like the archetypical tongue tied adolescent.
Confident, athletic and cultured she possessed tan skin which glowed with vitality, full lips, lustrous brunette hair pulled into a pony tail and emerald eyes that reflected wry humour and intelligence. Her white teeth had sparkled when she flashed Telsor a dazzling smile.
A real Lady she nevertheless carried a composite bow and wore a light cavalry sword on her back. Despite wearing the weapons easily she exhibited confidence, not arrogance.
Her clothing which, despite being of the highest quality was not ostentatious consisted of padded brown leather armour secured by a silver belt buckle and a dark green travelling cloak held at the neck with a silver clasp.
Well endowed, yet not absurdly so Telsor had been unable to take his eyes of her as she cantered easily down Towns main thoroughfare.
Reflections on your mother
My mother was an amazing person.
Those of you know the back story will know that my Mum didn't have the easiest of lives but she stayed strong and with support from my Father was able to hold things together.
We didn't have a lot of money when I was younger but she made sure that what we did have went on decent food and clothes for me - when there wasn't enough for those she was talented enough to actually make stuff for me to wear.
Courtesy of my Mum and our need to make sure that every penny counted for many years I also had the best bowl cut in the area.
Most of the time Mum was mild as a field mouse but when the time came she would fight like a tiger to protect those who needed to be protected.
The most important lessons she taught me were to learn to laugh at yourself and not to take yourself too seriously.
Alzheimer's took her way ahead of time so that the eyes that once sparkled with humour that grew dim far too early but I know now that somewhere out there in the night sky a star shines brightly.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
From the fullness of your lips to your cascading blonde hair I can not think of another who compares.
Your porcelain like skin glows softly like moonlight whilst your eyes shine blue like two heavenly bodies.
Your features are unique and will resonate in my heart until time evermore.
Truly Lady Fluke there is no other like you.