Calypso the Charmer

Calypso Charmer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Nov, 2018 - 12:33pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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ROK II RPG Character 690 Medieval Text Adventure
Post Date: 9th Nov, 2018 - 11:52am / Post ID: #

Calypso the Charmer
A Friend

Calypso the Charmer

Here I begin my journey. Calypso the Charmer- some will probably say it is a curious name, and I agree. To be fair, I think my mother chose my name only because of Greek Mythology. She always told me a myth before I went to sleep. I'll miss her. My title is mostly because of my looks- I've always been told I am attractive, and I have to agree. However, it is also partly due to my silver tongue. I've been known for my quick wit, humour, and captivating personality, and I hope that my way with words will help me get ahead.

Standing at 5'2, my height might not make me look intimidating, but at least I can fit into smaller spaces more easily, and am more agile than I'd be if I were taller. I'm fairly slim, with strawberry blonde curls and large green eyes. My fair skin and full lips give me a curious air, but I believe it is my nature more than anything that makes me look innocent in an appealing way.

I must admit that much to my mother's dismay, I was always interested in magic. But not that she is not here, god bless her soul, and that I am free to choose my own path, I might seek to learn it. I want to bring peace to the land, by the power of speech if I can. I believe people can be good if they try, and nobody wants war. I might have to start a trade or find a job, and I will start at the bottom if I have to. But I will no stay there. I find it easy to get others to like me, and alliances and friends in the right places will get me to where I want to be.

I intend to rise to the top by earning the favour and recommendations of important people. However, I will use blackmail as a last resort if I have to. Even though my mother's death affected me more than I care to admit, I am determined to follow the pact to peace and happiness.

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 12:33pm / Post ID: #

Calypso the Charmer
A Friend

Charmer Calypso

Advisor Description

Today, the strangest thing happened to me. I was wandering through town, and through the corner of my eye, I saw a man, dressed in fine clothes. He stood out, no one dresses like that here, and I had a strong feeling something was off. Still, I chose to ignore the thoughts gnawing at me and went about my business. Around midday, however, someone grabbed my arm. My fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, and I was ready to squirm out of their grip and run as fast as I could. As I turned to twist my arm out of their grasp, however, I saw who it was. The man from earlier. I don't know what about him made me stop, but the fact is, I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Calypso, do you promise not to run if I let you go?" The stranger asked, which only left me more confused than before.
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed.
"Your mother sent me." And with that, I went as quiet as a mouse and as still as a statue. "Will you listen to me now?" I could do nothing but nod and listen. He let go of my arm and smiled, before proceeding to explain everything.

He told me his name was Thomas, and that he was a politician. He had been sent by my mother to be my advisor- My advisor! and had been watching me for some time now, which serves as a lesson. I need to be more careful with my surroundings and who is watching me from now on. It was just Thomas this time, thankfully, but next time, it could be a thief. Or worse! We went to the tavern and talked over a mug of ale. I have high expectations- Being a politician, he can certainly help me improve my charm and way with words. A man that influential will certainly also help me get out of any sticky situations if needed, and he seemed wise enough to give me good advice and strategies. I confess I'm not quite sure what he thinks of me- He said only that he had "High hopes." Maybe he finds me charming, or clever, or both. Maybe he was lying, he is a politician after all. Who knows.

> TOPIC: Calypso the Charmer


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