I was brought up to be wise by mother and I intend to make choices. I am Nephi. I consider myself blessed even though my life and current situation may say otherwise.
I am six feet and three inches in height and carry a muscular build from all the work I did in my youth. I consider myself a peacemaker but will use the sword when necessary to defend myself.
Possibly I am between that of a cleric and a fighter, but time will tell as I grow in this new world. I intend to unify mankind against the evils that surround them.
Advisor Description
Lehi is like a father to me even though he is not my own father. He used to come and visit our home and check on me when I was smaller and I never forgot him because he was like my replacement for my father. When I came into the town he was expecting me and made sure to tell me all that I needed to know. I knew I could trust him and that our relationship would grow together.
Reflections on your mother
My mother was a good woman. She saw that I grew up the right way even with her limited ability to provide more I always had what I needed rather than what I wanted. I was amazed that she planned ahead and even made sure someone would look after me when I got to the town. I will always remember my dear mother and honor her name.
Message to Advisor
I have gotten to my first level so I feel accomplished while knowing I still have a very long way to go. Lady Fluke's place gave me a lot of the experience I needed but it was a dread place with lots of death at every corner. I need to rest now but we will talk more tomorrow.
Message to Advisor
Lehi, I am training in various skills to help me to become more of the man you think I should be. These skills will assist me towards my ultimate goal but in the short term they will also bring in the gold I need to sustain me. I hope to finish my current training by tomorrow and then we can talk about what else I should be doing.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
Approached by a stranger offering a gift of some kind took me by surprise. In fact, I reached for my weapon until I saw her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks and then I paused. She was a messenger dressed humbly to disguise who is her master. She would not reveal him or her to me either saying only that I was to get some kind of inheritance. I was suspicious, but I am also open to something new that can help me to get where I want to be in as little time as possible. I am awaiting her response now.