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Chainedapart Introduction
So yeah. Short intro. I'm chainedapart. I stumbled upon Ruler of Kings II when I got bored earlier today and was trying to find something to alleviate my boredom. This was one of those games I got directed at. I'm here purely out of curiosity, nothing more. I wanted to know how the game would be played, and so I made an account. Don't really know yet if I'm sticking around (I'm not really a sociable person, so yeah, you won't see me talk in the forums, maybe ever), but if the game, I just might. Though I still won't ever really have any desire to go to the forums. Also, don't bother replying here, or messaging me. I'm a bit antisocial, but still a functioning depressed human. So yeah, sorry if my intro reads a bit rude or something. I really didn't want to write anything and just play, but rules are rules.
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Gender: Male
Politics: Unsure
Tenet: --
Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG
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Not Given |
Joined: Reg.
22nd Nov, 2018 - 7:51am Signature: