I am called Azarick. My appearance is nothing of note with short black hair, sun-tanned skin, and amber-colored eyes, albeit a little smaller than most others. Being plain-looking has it advantages though, like having the ability to blend in the surroundings, just observing and listening, which is something I pride myself for. I'm also of a good height, standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall, maybe 11 on a good day. I likewise don't look overly muscular, but one can't say that I lack the musculature. I'm fit, is all.
Before the unfortunate event that took the life of my mother, I was known to deviate from teaching to teaching from the different scholars that come and go in our homestead. Perhaps that's why they called me a wanderer, never staying in a single train of thought, with my mind thinking from one lesson to the next, only concentrating on things I found interesting, or at the very least, I think would be of use to me. As such, they could not foresee what school of thought I would be in. If I could accumulate the knowledge of everything, that would be nice, but that is, if it would be of benefit to my own person.
This doesn't mean, however, that I am weak. My body is still my mind's container. What use is a good mind with a weak physique to carry it. People build walls as a defense to protect something they hold dear, be it their own lives, or the lives of others, why then should I slack my physical being if it protects my mind. This is what fuels me to strengthen myself. This is what motivated me to learn the basics of fighting under the tutelage of several visiting knights and warriors.
As this would be the first time I set foot outside my hometown, I am both filled with excitement and fear. Excitement on the amount of knowledge I could gain away from this close-knit town of mine, and fear from the untold dangers of an unknown land. Nevertheless, I shall always cautiously put one foot forward, and slowly, surely, and most of all, safely, traverse this road I will be taking.
Advisor Description
Before I went on my journey, I have received many informal training sessions with different scholars, infantrymen, mystics, and other travelers. It's one of those things a person can get when their parents, rather, parent is of some importance in such a small, unsuspecting town in the middle of a trade route. My mother, bless her soul, tried and succeeded into asking these people into tutoring me in the different walks of life.
One person in particular, Behepheles, I think his name was, stood out. He's a captain on an off-duty excursion, basically, a vacation. He was secretive in his affairs regarding his job, but he did not shy away from teaching me the basics of swordsmanship, and other ways of fighting. He tried to teach me different blades, then had me focus on the dagger when he realized my affinity for it. He has a good eye too regarding people's conditions, be it physical or mental, and have always trained me to my limits, stopping only when he deemed that any more would be to my detriment. He was strict, but consistent, I liked that about him, and he filled the void that my father left.
He did not say when his vacation would end, but after a month or so, he suddenly vanished from my hometown. My mother told me that he left in quite a rush and that he'll see me soon, or something along those lines. I did not know that "soon" meant in about a year after he left.
As I prepare to exit the tavern after eating a sumptuous meal, a heavy hand rested itself on my shoulders and promptly pushed me back down to my seat. It was so sudden that I couldn't muster a resistance and found myself seated once more. I was about to voice out my disapproval of such a matter, I heard a familiar gruff laugh from behind me.
"It's been a long time, lad. How are ye?"
It was Behepheles. I fought the urge to stand in attention in front of the one who trained me, but I still looked up to the figure now standing to my side. He looked more rugged than before, the year has not been kind to him, and he seems to have terribly aged a bit. I asked the man why he was in this town, and only found out that he was stationed here. He had said nothing more. He was rather more curious about what happened to my mother, if I had news about my father, and if I have trained myself after he left. I found myself talking for quite a while with this father figure of mine, even though I only get short responses and nods as replies.
"If ye be stayin' here fer a while, might as well help ye out like before eh?" He asked after I told him about my current situation. I accepted, of course, shaking his hand like a contract of sorts, and waved him out the tavern door.
After he left, I also began to make my exit once more. But before I do, the wench suddenly called me asking me to pay for what Behepheles ate. Son of a. Father figure or not, he always skimps on things like this. Oh well. He hasn't changed huh. I thought to myself as I paid for his meal and ale.
Reflections on your mother
Mother was a good woman. Perhaps maybe a bit too good. When she still lived, she was well-loved within my hometown, and even became the town's representative. We had lived a comfortable life, as people naturally gravitate towards her kind aura, and no one ever even dared to try to do anything harmful to her, to us.
It was because of her that I got to learn a lot of things from the wanderers that go through our small idyllic town, although all of which were very informal, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Reflections on your father
Father? What of him? I bear no ill will, but I also don't have anything positive to say. He was missing since I was born, and the only things I know of him are stories and rumors. If I ever meet him someday, I would feel nothing, other than a sort of familiarity, I guess.
Behepheles has been sort of the man I look up to as a father figure. In the short time that he stayed in my hometown, I've grown to respect the man. Mother as well, seems to adore him. I would not oppose their pairing if they both wanted it, as I want my mother to find happiness and fulfillment too, something that my own father could not provide since the time I was alive. If only she didn't succumb to illness after Behepheles left, but well, that's just the way life goes.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Milady, I fear that a beauty such as your own
can never be given, by a mere man, its full due.
Milady, I am just a wanderer, with no renown,
but please allow this one to describe the beauty in my view.
Like how a sculpture by a master artisan is such a work of art,
Thy figure has been sculpted to an ageless perfection.
Like how a painting by a revered artist can steal its viewer's hearts
Thy visage has stolen those of many a men's affection.
These pretty pebbles lose their luster when compared to thee,
as well as these gold coins, nay, everything.
With such a beauty guiding the people in the path they've gone to,
no wonder no one has anything untoward to say, only good - or nothing.
Milady, thy beautiful features lay near the line of the absurd,
Absurd, such as, mere mortals can't even see thy beauty's peak.
It is unbound by the limits of imagination, and even by words.
Milady, I doubt anyone can even resist when they hear thou speak.
Such is how thy beauty is viewed from one such as myself.
But even then, I've barely scratched the surface.
However, I do hope that these words reach thy self,
and may it please milady as I rest my case.
First time in the Town
My first time in this town started like any other day, albeit noisier. People going on about doing their daily routine and such, people enjoying time off, people from all walks of life out and about. Such a lively town, I though to myself.
I do not fancy the thought of being in the middle of so many people, but with things like this, it's bearable. Mother left me a few gold pieces to help me move forward, and my journey has currently made me come into this busy town. With the scarcity of knowledge, supply, and experience in the "real" world, I have decided to make this town my home base, as I gather more of what I lack in order to once again proceed. The first step would be food and lodgings, things this town's tavern gives its patrons.
The beginning of the rest of my journey, starts with a feast and a clean, rented room.
Message to Advisor
Good evening Sir Behepheles. I trust that you are in good spirits this fine evening as well. It's been a while since you have given me this leather armband, and I only now have the chance to use it, I apologize for the delay.
The advise you have given me, about getting skills, I have slowly been acquiring. Though, the means to do so is a bit tight for the time being. I have been alternating between getting the skills and acquiring the gold pieces needed as compensation by doing several odd jobs here and there. I'm proud to say that my skill in cleaning the marketplace has now become superb, but of course there's always room to grow, as one can never be perfect.
The other thing, the assignments I've receive, I shall do them in due time, when I have learned the necessary skills needed to achieve them near flawlessly. The risks are great when one comes to the battlefield unprepared, am I right?
Anyway, that is all for now Sir Behepheles. Until next time, then.
Most beautiful lady of Azarick
5 gold to meet someone very much likely to be a gift from the gods? Seems to be a steal, so here. No clue as to how you can accomplish such an undertaking, I mean, isn't a lass as fair as her, who shines like the stars in a clear night sky, not be with a trusted companion to protect her?
Indeed, that lass is who I seek, no one else. You've seen her too. There is no craftsman, no painter, no artist, and no artisan, in this town, nay, this very world, could even hope to replicate a tenth of her beauty. The pale, youthful glow of her milky, white skin blushes with a rosy tint in the summer breeze. Supple and firm, soft and unblemished, smooth and radiant. Skin in such a state indicates one of a higher status in society, perhaps a noble, or maybe higher. I'm curious as to why such a delicate-looking galatean maiden would mingle amidst common-folk. But why would I linger at that question?
I'd much rather contend my self to burning her image, her visage, her whole being, in the annals of memory. Her short, straight, lustrous, black hair that goes only up to the base of her snowy, swan-like neck frames her small, rounded, adorable, lively face in a way that can put the best paintings of the masters to shame. Almond, shape eyes filled with youthful mischief; curved. Thin lips that seem to radiate and give off charm and energy; jovial, full cheeks that puffs when she pouts, flawless; and along with an elegant, pleasing, nose that complements all the rest; all of these set in a perfect ratio that one might mistake her visage as that of a goddess. Her height is just the right size for someone like me, not too tall, not too short, 5 feet 4 inches, as I have always been drawn to petite lasses. Her body figure is nothing to scoff at too. Her bosom is at the size one should expect from such a tiny frame, not too big, not too tiny, a bit more ample than lasses the same height as her, but better in proportion. Her thighs and bottom though, those, oh those can start a war. Her thighs are the envy of many a women. They're glorious. Truly glorious. Even from afar one could see her wonderful, shapely and succulent thighs, curving their way down to her legs of equal beauty. I could imagine that they would feel as soft to the touch as they look, with just the right amount of fat in all of the right places. Oh, what I would give just to rest my head on those and fall asleep, I feel that those thighs would very well be the most comfortable pillow a man could ever lay his head on. Her bottom is as noteworthy as her thighs and legs are of course, with a plump, fit, roundness that belie her short stature, it's the perfect size in proportion to every little thing about her.
*cough* *cough* I may have said too much of what I thought of such a beauty. So much so that I might even be considered a deviant, but rest assured, I am not so, just being way too honest with my feelings, is all. Still, even after all that even my paltry words still fail to bring her very being to justice. I'm terribly sorry for keeping you here with my rambling, but well, you know how it is when a person's desire is stirred. I hope for pleasant news regarding your endeavor, and I hope I could see you, and her, soon.