When I was born I was named Robin because of my red hair passed down from my mother. Later, I came to be known as the Wanderer because of my desire to travel and to learn as much as I can about this world.
I am shorter than average for a young man of my age, by how much I don't wish to admit. I have pale grey eyes with red tinted lashes and thick heavy eyebrows. My wavy dark auburn hair is shoulder length and I usually tie it back into a loose ponytail. My skin is tanned and I have a pale scar across my right cheek. I like to consider that I appear easily approachable and I have been told that I have gentle and compassionate eyes.
I am not as strong as most, but what I lack in physical strength I make up for with stealth, knowledge, wit and charisma (Occasionally just running away really fast). I have an unfortunate knack of taking what isn't mine, but I do my best to take from those who can afford it and to only take as much as I need. I have a great fascination with magic and philosophy. I consider I am here to learn and experience and help those I can along the way.
Above all, I want to have thrilling adventures. My first aspiration is to build friendships with those I can and earn enough so I can come and go as I please. I wish to build alliances with those that I feel have interesting goals and a good heart underneath it all. I will cross some moral boundaries to achieve my goals but I will not harm the innocent.
I intend to travel and learn much before I become the next Ruler of Kings. I want to be a wise and fair leader and have a true connection with the people that I reside over. Hopefully I will not have too much blood on my hands and I will sleep soundly at night.
Onward, to where there be dragons!.