Jussie Smollett

Jussie Smollett - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 26th Mar, 2019 - 7:59pm

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  Jussie Smollett Actor
Post Date: 15th Feb, 2019 - 8:53pm / Post ID: #

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Jussie Smollett

Chicago police have arrested two men suspected in the attack on ‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett, reports say. Chicago police have arrested two men in the the Jan. 29 attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, the Associated Press reports. A spokesperson said they were arrested on “probable cause that they may have committed a crime.” Authorities did not specify what crime exactly, and the men have not been charged, per AP. Anthony Guglielmi of the Chicago Police Department reiterated to USA TODAY in an emailed statement Friday he does not believe the attack was a hoax. Ref. USAToday.

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Post Date: 18th Feb, 2019 - 8:16am / Post ID: #

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Smollett Jussie

Two brothers told investigators that 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett paid them to stage an attack on him, police source says
The police source, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation, said they are attempting to interview Smollett again, so they can question him about the brothers' account. "We can confirm that the information received from the individuals questioned by police earlier in the Empire case has in fact shifted the trajectory of the investigation,” the Chicago Police Department said in a statement. Ref. USAToday.

18th Feb, 2019 - 10:33am / Post ID: #

Jussie Smollett Sports & Fashion Music Movies

If what they are saying is true then Jussie Smollett is looking to get famous or should we say infamous using dirty methods to get there.

18th Feb, 2019 - 11:22am / Post ID: #

Smollett Jussie

He orchestrated the whole thing to play that hate crime bit so now he will likely be out of a job very fast. From Empire to unemployment.

Post Date: 21st Feb, 2019 - 5:06am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Smollett Jussie

Actor Jussie Smollett now a suspect in criminal investigation. "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett has been "Officially classified" as a suspect in a criminal investigation for allegedly filling a false police report, according to a tweet from Chicago police communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi.

The tweet goes on to say this is a Class 4 felony and detectives are currently presenting evidence before a Cook County grand jury. Ref. CNN.

21st Feb, 2019 - 6:05am / Post ID: #

Jussie Smollett

What a shame, maybe the prospects of forming his own 'empire' went to his head and he ended up taking a few wrong turns.

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25th Feb, 2019 - 10:22am / Post ID: #

Jussie Smollett

Smollett would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for so many cameras all around the places he wanted to portray himself as a victim. According to one comedian, he should have known where all the cameras are because he is an actor. *laugh*.

Post Date: 26th Mar, 2019 - 7:59pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Jussie Smollett Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Prosecutors drop all charges against ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollet, who police had said staged a hate-crime attack. Smollett had been charged with 16 counts of “false report of offense” stemming from a January attack, which police said was a hoax. He had pleaded not guilty. Cook County, Illinois, prosecutors said Tuesday they were dropping all 16 charges. Source 8v.

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