An image of the poster that caused the confrontation was shared on social media by Democratic Del. Mike Pushkin. It shows an image of the World Trade Center just after terrorists hit the second tower with a civilian airliner.
"'Never forget' - you said ..." reads the caption above the image of the burning towers.
"I am the proof - you have forgotten" reads the next caption below an image of Omar, who is Muslim. Source 9u
Image by Kristie Boyd; U.S. House Office of Photoraphy - omar.house.gov, Public Domain, Source 1k
I understand the apprehension because of all the media has done to emphasize that the enemy has ties to the religion. People have to understand that fanatical will use anything at their disposal to get support including religion. This woman shouldn't be labelled this way.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 27 2.7%
Fox News condemned host Jeanine Pirro for comments she made Saturday about Rep. Ilhan Omar's use of a hijab, a head covering traditionally worn by Muslim women, which Pirro said could signal that Omar held beliefs that are "Antithetical" to the Constitution. Source 1z.
While I do not believe anyone's religious views should be attacked I think it with be in Rep. Omar's interest to come forward and rest the fears people have about her by doing candid interviews.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 28 2.8%
Rep. Ilhan Omar wins contentious Democratic primary election in Minnesota. Omar, who was elected during the 2018 midterms as part of the "Blue Wave" that hit the Capitol and gained a national profile as a leading progressive voice in the House of Representatives, emerged victorious in her Democratic primary election Tuesday night. She was challenged by Antone Melton-Meaux, a Black lawyer and mediator, who raised millions of dollars, nearly matching Omar overall and outraising her in the most recent cycle. Ref. USAToday.
GOP removes Rep. Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee. The Republican-led House voted along party lines to remove Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over previous comments she made about Israel that members of both parties viewed as antisemitic. Republican leaders have threatened to take action against Omar over a number of controversial statements she's made since she came to Capitol Hill in 2019. Source 1j.