Unprepared or unwise Characters may find themselves in situations that result in Character death. The follow on actions surround the Reaper and a few options that can be chosen. However, the Reaper has a 'list' of those who met their untimely demise and they are listed here.
Today we announce the death of Garreth the Ranger, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
This day marks the death of George the King who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
Who hath the inheritance of Thorn the Wanderer. Death is upon Thorn thus material things matter not.
Today we announce the death of Erwin the Slasher, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
Hayden the Baroness is DEAD after suffering mortal wounds in a bid to change the world.
This day marks the death of Thorn the Wanderer who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
Tyron the Scribe died attempting to go through something bigger than Tyron.