The human known as Alaric the Good has met an unfavored death and now visits the Reaper.
We mourn for Achilles the King a human that could not cope with the events of life.
Death hath taken Melinda the Warrior because Melinda failed to prepare for what was ahead.
Let the death of Yuuji the Dragonborn serve as a warning that one should not take lightly the importance of life.
And so it was that Kvothe the King died and the fantastical story of Kvothe ended… or did it?
Alex the Ninja is DEAD after suffering mortal wounds in a bid to change the world.
Surely if Tobias the King is to be remembered as a brave adventurer then the death of this human cannot be the final chapter… or is it?
Adrian the Prince is DEAD after suffering mortal wounds in a bid to change the world.