Merla the Angel, a known unknown, died before the journey could even begin. Such is the end life of a cheat.
Who hath the inheritance of Ashley the Prodigy. Death is upon Ashley thus material things matter not.
The human known as Rylo the Rogue has met an unfavored death and now visits the Reaper.
Today, we announce the death of Rylo the Rogue, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
Piru the Prodigy died attempting to go through something bigger than Piru.
And so it was that Piru the Prodigy died and the fantastical story of Piru ended… or did it?
And so it was that Piru the Prodigy died and the fantastical story of Piru ended… or did it?
Death hath taken Piru the Prodigy because Piru failed to prepare for what was ahead.