Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 21 of 26

Thorin the mighty gives a nod to the Curator - Page 21 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 30th Jun, 2019 - 5:06pm

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  Exorcism At Willow' s Pass A PBP Scenario set in the world of ROK II. Anyone can play at anytime but you must have an ROK II Character. To create a Character Start Here.
25th Jun, 2019 - 1:25pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 21

The Game Master says...

In the room, you do not find anything of significance, at least nothing you would want to take with you. You determine that the mixture that was being made had the effects of putting you to sleep. At the window you cannot see any reaction to what you just did and the other chanters are no where to be seen. In fact, you do not see Krusten nor Sapphire either.

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26th Jun, 2019 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

Unsure of what to do next Thorin decides to look for his friends wondering if something happened to them because of what he did. A sense of worry overcomes him but at the same time he knows they are capable of taking care of themselves. He keeps the robes on to mask his identity and then exits the building to try and search for them.

Post Date: 26th Jun, 2019 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Turning the Time Key within the Museum, Krusten the queen enter a Portal and now becomes part of this adventurous world of danger.

26th Jun, 2019 - 3:43pm / Post ID: #

Page 21 RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

Krusten reappears at the place she left and wonders how Thorin is doing. She looks for him at the building where she last saw him.

28th Jun, 2019 - 12:48pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

The Game Master says...

Thorin and Krusten eventually meet up and discuss what has taken place. Strangely, there is no visible reaction from the village as though they are either unaware or uninterested in what just occurred in the chanting room. Sapphire is not seen anywhere.

28th Jun, 2019 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG

Upon hearing what happened she immediately draws her sword and keeps it by her side. This village will know that our intentions are not positive and whatever tricks they had planned are now discovered. I think its time to check that statue at the center of the village. Krusten tries to assess what she may be up against based on what she has seen so far.

Dice Krusten Results:
Know Enemies (10)+mind (+3) vs. Dice Roll D20: 16 - Result: Routine: success (7) / Difficult: Success (0) / Formidable: Fail

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30th Jun, 2019 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 21

It is time. I shall use meh Return Key to go back through the Portal and return to meh reality.

Post Date: 30th Jun, 2019 - 5:06pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism Willow's Pass PBP RPG Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 21

Thorin the mighty gives a nod to the Curator then puts the Time Key into the Museum's strong door keyhole and enters the Portal. After the appearance of a bright light Thorin the mighty is in this new world.

> TOPIC: Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG


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