I, Sapphire the princess, shall depart this world and return to the Llafair Museum. From there I shall rejoin meh life of reality away from this unusual Portal.
Jordan the rogue gives a nod to the Curator then puts the Time Key into the Museum's strong door keyhole and enters the Portal. After the appearance of a bright light Jordan the rogue is in this new world.
Taking out the Return Key, Jordan says,"I shall return to the meh reality." Jordan uses the Return Key which causes a bright light to surround the body of Jordan. After less than a moment Jordan fades away and disappears.
The adventurer, Fenris the wanderer, left the Llafair Museum after using a curious looking Time Key and came into this new world.
Fenris blinks, as the white light dissipates. Nothing much seems to exist within this portal, just the faint feeling that others have travelled through before.