Sapphire wonders if there will be friction in their little group that could cause problems in the future but she is too focused on what the old lady says to give it much thought at the moment.
"By blood letting of course!"
The old lady responds to Krusten with some amount of surprise at the question. When her face normalizes she says,
"Ye be strangers from a very far land, yes? They do not have sacrifice where ye have cometh from?"
Crossed at the suggestion she is ignorant of human sacrifice Krusten responds, "While I've heard of this I did not know that this village carries out this practice. You don't see anything wrong with the taking of someone's life? What happens if you don't do this sacrifice?"
Not wanting the old woman to get upset and warn the rest of the village Sapphire asks, "Which building should we visit next in this village or maybe you can tell us about each so we can make the choice?"
Thorin thinks some of the most important questions are not being asked so somewhere in between he will ask,
"When and where will the ceremony take place?"
"How should we dress to be in attendance?"
"Do we have to know any particular parts of the ceremony as spectators?"
The old woman responds to Krusten as a teacher would to a student,
"When thou observest the beast of the field such as the wolf or the fox… they kill one of the animals not of their kind so that they might feed themselves and satisfy their hunger. If there were no prey they would become ravenous. It is the same with the lives of humanoids. We do not see the unseen. They who are all around us and have a great hunger!"
To Sapphire she says,
"Visit them all, they may impart something to thee."
To Thorin she says,
"Why asketh of me what the ceremony entails if ye will be part of it on the morrow? Do not fret, ye will find out soon enough."
She raises from her seat, puts down her cup and nervously says,
"Now I must be ready, be on thy way now."
She motions to the door as she obviously attempts to cut your visit short.
Krusten raises her brow at the scolding of the old woman. She takes her leave of the woman's premises going outside to discuss the next move with the party.
"She rushed us out quickly. We were probably asking too many difficult questions. Where to next? How about the next building over © and continue around in a circle until we have the whole place visited?"
"We probably overstayed our welcome but at least we get a better idea of what we are going to have to do here. Lets do as you suggest Krusten."