I, am Denari and I was born as a Human under a full and giant silver moon, raised in a Mountain village, not far from an ancient large forest.
I am known as the cleric because as a young girl I was obsessed by stories of the gods. When a wandering Priestess of Sel?ne (The moon goddess) visited our community I stayed at her side day
and night. Many times my parents had to drag me away screaming and fighting.
Every time again when the priestess entered the village again after months, sometimes years, I was always her shadow.
I stand 5'8 tall with a slender body. I have Light blond hair and green eyes. My tanned skin and a gothic appearance in general makes me quite unique.
People know me as one who follows clerics and (Partially the way) of the druids. I want to become a full-fledged priest of Sel?ne by visiting the large temple and dreaming/hoping to become a moon guardian of the silver lady.
Generally I view alliances as essential for surviving and growing in power, As Sel?ne is known by many other races it will be a major advantage in seeking and building alliances.
I intend to do gain experience and wisdom in order to become the next divine Ruler of Kings.
It should be known that I also like to dance, mostly under the light of full moon, celebrating my goddess and keeping my body slender and agile.
Thus, I now start this path towards Fame & Insight.
Advisor Description
I first met my her some weeks after the death of my Mother, May Selune rest over her soul, I noticed that often my father disappeared during the early evenings. Once I followed him from a save distance as he went into the Forest. At a cross-point I saw my advisor for the first time. She was wearing fine clothes and sat on a beautiful steed. When they started to talk I tried to step closer but some missteps made enough sound to alert my father. My Father was to my surprise not anger when he found me and I saw even a kind of relief on his face as he introduced me to my older stepsister. After swallowing some mixed good & dark feelings (Thanks to Selune's teachings) we were able to talk with each other. Seems my stepsister is half elvish and has lived all her youth together with an elven Harber family. She was very polite and well mannered and looked happily surprised to meet me. Still during our chat I felt that she knew a lot more about me and my mother then she revealed. Still I'm convinced that her ties could be a very important asset for my future, maybe her Harber family could support my further goals and their knowledge about the high society and the land could come in handy. I hope one day to meet her family an more important her mother but I got the feeling that Doherty Lanistra.
Reflections On Your Mother
Celene was the name of my mother. During my young age she was all day busy taking care for her only daughter and the infant and young children of the other families in our village. As my father was most of the time for days on the Hunt. Those days I had many young friends. She was born as a Farmer daughter and raised in big family with 6 brothers and 3 sisters. She was the first born her future would be to marry an other well established farmer son but she fell in love with my father. Her father was so furious when she told him that she was pregnant that the expelled her from home. Together with the love of her life she wandered until they found a place and settled down. She was loved by the whole community for her endless patience and always gentle treatment of the children. She received many gifts and blessings, But in the end when she was alone I heard her weeping and praying to be blessed with more offspring. Last Winter she died when she saved a child from out of a tree, sadly a misstep ended her life to soon. May Selune guide her to the eternal & everlasting Peace.