Zenatar Introduction

Zenatar Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 19th Jun, 2019 - 8:01pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 19th Jun, 2019 - 8:00pm / Post ID: #

Zenatar Introduction
A Friend

Zenatar Introduction

I started playing Role-playing Game's around 15 years ago. I was always fascinated by how you can be who you want and explore whole worlds and it's lore. Seeing how my character progressed was interesting, but what I liked the most was the dialogue between me and the characters and theirs stories.

I never played classic Dungeons & Dragons (It was not well known on my country), but played a great amount of computer games based on Dungeons & Dragons and fantasy in general (As well as sci-fi). I started with neverwinter nights 1 and 2 (And all the popular user made modules), dragon age, baldurs gate, icewind dale, planescape torment, mass effect and so on.

So, why I am here? After so many played Role-playing Game games, both old and new I end up feeling that the soul of this type of games is disappearing more and more. Maybe its the story that is no longer captivating. Maybe it's the choices (Of lack of them). The lack of freedom, probably.

This is the reason I'm searching for new ways to play Role-playing Game's. I found out recently what a MUD was. I am enjoying some of those but I'm searching for something special. Be it a MUD or any other text centric Role-playing Game.

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Post Date: 19th Jun, 2019 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Introduction Zenatar

Welcome to Ruler of Kings II the most diverse Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play. Ye have made thy introduction. Therefore, ye may proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start of this best text adventure.

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