I'm currently a high school student taking normal classes and doing normal things every day. I have an interest in programming and coding and have always loved video games in every form. I play a lot of Massive Multiplayer Online games because I like the idea of a unique character that you can control and customize however you like, but most of those games (Like Tera for example) get a bit repetitive after a while. I have also always liked the choice story games, whether it's an app on my phone or a book in my hand. For these reasons, I was instantly drawn to this community. A large group of people with creative minds, where no character is the same. Everyone can live in a second world that can be just as intricate. I'm excited for a world that won't be limited by demanding graphics and has the ability to make me think about my choices and actions. I already have high expectations.
Welcome adventurer to Ruler of Kings II, the best Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play. Now that ye have made thy introduction ensure to prepare thyself for thy quest. Thou mayest proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start to begin thy adventure.