Hi everyone,
This is my second stint here as I was a member over a year ago and went by the user name ChristianD. My account lapsed due to my wife being in the hospital for an extended stay. Turns out she has a unique disease that has taken away her ability to walk and is slowly killing her muscles in her body. As such, I have been home with her more and more. While she needs a lot of care there are times when I am left to my own devices for long periods of time and need something to fill in time when I am not at work or taking care of her. I am hoping to get back into a game and join in the general discussions around the forums. Nice to be back *smile*.
Welcome back fearless warrior. The best Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play now awaits thee. Now that ye have made thy introduction ensure to prepare thyself for thy quest. Thou mayest proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start to begin thy adventure.
Hi Deadshot! Sorry to read about the condition your wife has but it is good that she has you at her side. Our current active Role-playing Game is ROK II which Harker has given you the details to so have fun.