Artemis the Druid - Page 3 of 3

The young lad had gained himself some favor - Page 3 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 6th Oct, 2019 - 11:00am

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ROK II RPG Character 948 Medieval Text Adventure
28th Sep, 2019 - 12:53am / Post ID: #


Artemis the Druid - Page 3

I, Artemis the Druid, was attacked by a Marauder and was victorious in combat.

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28th Sep, 2019 - 11:21am / Post ID: #


Druid Artemis

Message to Advisor

Good day to you, Witchdoktor! I'm happy to let you know that I finally took your advice and ventured out of Town to see more of the surroundings and get a feel for Life. I booked transport to Llafair and chose to join a Patrol. There also some other affairs I must settle before coming back to Town. On the Patrol, we were beset by Marauders. Tough ones, they be! As of this writing, I've surely taken a beating but have held my own and defended those who could not defend themselves. I don't see it so much of a heroic stance as a survival stance. In one of the skirmishes we happened upon some drunken marauders that were nipping away at their stash and found that they had a young girl bound and gagged on their cart. A fight ensued, of course, and we emerged victorious but at the cost of a bit of health. My arm aches even to write these words to you. I must really buy some Elixirs on my next pass through Town. This is how we learn, right? Deal with the hardships to gain Wisdom. When I'm back I would love for you to regale me with some of your exploits as such. I'm sure there are many old friend! I feel none the worse for wear, however I must say that I can't wait to get back to llafair after this Patrol so that I may have a proper bath and a good rest. I shall stick to trivial tasks and mundane tasks until my body feels completely rejuvenated. The inner wanderlust of a teen needs to be bridled, I suppose. I don't regret any of it. If, by some chance, this would happen to be the last note you receive from me, please know that both your mentorship and friendship have been invaluable to me. I'm sure my Mother and Father would've been most delighted with the outcome of my life.

29th Sep, 2019 - 1:12am / Post ID: #


Artemis the Druid Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

I, Artemis, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 3 among my fellow men.

29th Sep, 2019 - 2:22am / Post ID: #


Page 3 Druid Artemis

A new abode has been acquired and I, Artemis the Druid, intend to full occupy the wooden structure.

6th Oct, 2019 - 11:00am / Post ID: #


Druid Artemis

The young lad had gained himself some favor around Town. He was quick to help, especially with the young wenches at the Brothel. He braved Lady Fluke's assignments almost every day wanting to prove himself a man while hoping to get to know one of the younger chambermaids. During the course of his young life he managed to grow in learning picking up talents here and there so that he might become someone worth seeing later in life. Alas, his last assignment was most certainly his last assignment. I didn't know who to reach out to so I reached out to Lady Fluke knowing that he spent a fair amount of time at the Brothel. The ladies were quick to help when I brought the poor soul's body back to them. The Healer said that our efforts to revive him were to no avail, that his soul was already removed from him. His body felt cool to the touch. I hadn't noticed that when I was carrying him in my arms back to Town. Stefan the Tavern owner came to the Brothel stricken with grief as his was the last assignment that had been given to poor Artemis. My poor dear", Stefan said as he came into the room where Artemis lay peacefully with three ladies tending to his final comfort. "Had I known that my request would meet with such an end, I wouldn't have suggested it to him", Stefan said, sorrow weighing down his usually cheerful voice. "He was so eager to please and had done so well with the Patrol, I naturally thought he was ready for such a task". Lady Fluke brought over one of her nicer linens, one decorated with fine stitching, and gently draped it over Artemis then asked everyone in the room to join hands whilst taking a moment of silence for the poor would-be adventurer.

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