Rhennthyl the Chief

Rhennthyl Chief - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 1st Dec, 2019 - 9:27pm

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ROK II RPG Character 992 Medieval Text Adventure
1st Dec, 2019 - 1:13am / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief

I am Rhennthyl, I was given this name because I have the wisdom to convince others to follow me and the strength to keep them in line. This is good because I intend to have both goblin and human followers as well as making a welcoming place for half orcs and half goblins. Making a place for the outcasts of society should bind them closer to my cause.

I am a half Goblin. My mother was human and raised me among humans. There were three other half goblins in our town about my same age. Our fathers were all from the same war band of goblins that wintered in our town. I can't speak for the others but my mother seemed to have had genuine feelings for my father though I never met the man.

Our shared heritage drove those of us with the same blood together. Watching how they interacted with the town's people taught me many things. Mainly among them that fighting back either verbally or physically only made the hatred worse, and that they treated us better when we made ourselves useful and were polite. Volunteering for simple tasks often, like helping to pull stumps or stones from a farmer's field or rid a barn of rats went a long way toward creating a place for us. During this time I gained a bit of experience with a bow and club as well as the rudiments of farming and hunting and how to salvage furs and herbs for sale or trade. As time passed the other kids started calling me Chief and in memory of that I kept the nickname as my title when I set out on my own.

Being the mouthpiece of the half goblins was probably helped much by the fact that I was the most human in appearance of the four of us. I am 5' 10" tall with a muscular body if with a slightly hunched posture. My hair is a dirty dark brown kept short and my slightly too large eyes are a beetle black that some find unsettling if stared into too long.

My mother's skin was a smooth pale white, sadly I did not inherit this from her. Although my face has few blemishes my skin is a tan color closer to yellow green and is rough and pockmarked in places. Fully dressed or from a distance or dim light I could pass for human but unclothed I am clearly a half breed.

I see myself as one who uses charisma, skill and strength to achieve his goals perhaps as a rogue / fighter. I can see how cleric ability's would be useful as well. I want to build a following of loyal outcasts who will support my rise to power out of a shared desire for self-betterment by proving ourselves the equal of anyone else and not by stealing it.

My first steps should be to find others like myself and start earning a reputation and coin in whatever upstanding way we can, be it mercenary work as hunters or as laborers. Anything that can help us grow in strength and skill for the future. Learning from many others and having an understanding of many trades will only help me empathies with others and for me to make wiser decisions.

I generally view alliances as mutually beneficial and as such deal fairly and honestly with others. I feel it's better for both party's to trust each other and grow in strength together. That way as I gain in power my allies will be more powerful as well and more likely to continue to support me and believe in my goals and not just my purse.

Thus now I start this path toward self-improvement and authority thru the betterment of my kind and others who feel they don't have any other home. I will start small but don't intend to stay that way forever.

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1st Dec, 2019 - 3:02am / Post ID: #


Chief Rhennthyl

Advisor Description

My first few weeks in town were a blur of activity. Working for the trappers was lucrative I suppose, I guess I won't know for sure until I try to buy gear. It was more than I would have made had I not taken on a little extra risk though I do know that. Although I don't think anything I was doing was strictly speaking illegal my conscience must have gotten the better of me because it seemed that I was seeing priests staring at me as I returned to town with my harvested hides.

As the days passed, I came to realize that it was not my imagination, I was in fact being watched by priests and it was not multiple priests but only one. An older human man in battered leather armor that had chunks of chainmail sewn over the vital spots. He had a well worn and tattered leather-bound book with an iron clasp hanging from his side on a short chain and an equally worn and battered mace attached to his other side close to hand.

I began to grow anxious at his attention thinking that perhaps I had been pouching on his land or some other slight I had not considered but he simply watched from a distance. I did my best to avoid the man and had decent success at it until my month with the trappers came to an end.

It seemed that I had indeed gotten on the wrong end of someone even if it was not the grizzled priest. On the day I gathered my pay from the trapper who had hired me I was beset by some of my fellow trappers. They beat me badly and I was so startled I did not think to fight back or flee before I was on the ground. Just when I started to think about fighting back, I was assisted by the priest.

It happened quickly. One moment I was on the ground being kicked on all sides and the next the area around me was clear apart from the leather-bound priest. My attackers who had been just as surprised as I had been, seemed like they were going to attack the man but then he rested his hand on his mace and they lost interest and cursing wondered off.

"Well lad" the man said after they others had left "Not off to a very good start so far are you now?". I had to admit the statement stung my pride and coupled with the pain I was in I snapped back before my mind could catch up to my mouth "What do you know about it old man? What business of yours is what I do?" I regretted the words almost immediately, but they had been said and I could only live with them now.

The look on the old mans face was not too far short of shock. "old!?" he all but shouted "You young pup I am barely past my thirtieth year!" he muttered to himself, something about ungrateful whelps before extending a hand to me and saying "get up boy, my name is Kirei. And it's my business because I promised your father I would look after you if I could".

"My father?" I was shocked and took his hand in a daze and allowed him to help me to my feet "you know my father?" my heart that has started to race at those words seemed to stop when he cast his eyes downward and replied "knew your father lad, he died not long ago from an arrow wound that festered"

I will not recount the rest of that conversation at this time but to sum it up Kirei was part of my father's war band. After my father's death the rest of the party broke up and went their separate ways but not before my father entrusted Kirei's aid in my education.

We have met a few times since this first meeting. It seems that this priest could be a great asset to me in my quest for power. I have yet to fully understand why he has decided to help me other than a promise to a dead goblin companion. I will however do my best to reward his help in any way that I can and hope that it continues if possible.

1st Dec, 2019 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

A new abode has been acquired and I, Rhennthyl the Chief, intend to full occupy the wooden structure.

1st Dec, 2019 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #


Chief Rhennthyl

Reflections On Your Mother

I awaken from that strange dream; I see my journal already open before me. "reflections on my mother?" picking up my quill I begin to write.

having recently come to the town I wish that my mother was still with me. She taught me so much in my youth that will be useful as I trod this difficult path. It really strikes me the love she had for her child that she could live a half breed such as myself just as much as any of the pure blood children who had fathers around to raise them.

she always pushed me to do the best that I could. It is clear to me now that I should have worked harder. My mind is not as sharp as it could have been had I studied more, and I fear that it will cause me trouble in the days to come. Nothing to be done about it now I suppose other then to think back on my mother's teachings and do my best to improve myself like I know she would have wanted of me.

did she know the priest? That strange advisor who claims to know my father. She never mentioned him, or my father really. Oh, mother why did you have to die like you did? I feel so alone here in the town. But I hope you can rest well knowing that your acceptance of me is what drives me to find the other outcasts and give them a banner to flock to and something to believe in. I will make a place in this world for them like you made a place in it for me.

1st Dec, 2019 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #


Chief Rhennthyl

Deity of Rhennthyl

Zed is a strong deity. He demands that his followers treat those that they deal with fairly. This doesn't mean that one can't use tricks or stealth during combat but that they deal with allies & friends honorably.
Don't cheat or lie but do not be taken advantage of by those of less then honorable intent. Zed is a god of individuals. And wishes his followers to prove themselves by their actions.

1st Dec, 2019 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief

Worship of Zed

Lord Zed, my progress is slow. I am slowly learning what it means to follow your way. Please help me to be an honorable and honest man. I have tried to deal with all I have encountered with fairness and honesty. I will continue to follow your teachings and prove my devotedness through my actions. In time I know that the way I treat others will come back to benefit myself as well and benefit those I deal with.

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1st Dec, 2019 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl Chief

A Dog Rat died due to my unique combat skills.

1st Dec, 2019 - 9:27pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl Chief Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Today, my encounter with a Bat Swarm ended with me slaying the Bat Swarm.

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