Rhennthyl the Chief - Page 3 of 3

Final entry penned by Kirei, young Rhennthyl - Page 3 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 2nd Dec, 2019 - 11:08pm

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2nd Dec, 2019 - 11:10am / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief - Page 3

Worship of Zed

Lord Zed,

I pray to thee this night while I rest to recover my strength. My body is not in the best condition and neither is my coin purse. These are the results of my own actions so I ask not for your assistance in this matter. I do pray however that when I recover fully that I use my new strength to follow thy teachings to help those around me as they help me.

after I have recovered I plan to take on a quest for the innkeeper. It seems to be the next logical step I my journey, may be both benefit and prosper from the interaction.

In your Name.

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2nd Dec, 2019 - 11:10am / Post ID: #


Chief Rhennthyl

Message to Advisor


this day was quite an interesting one. I received a boon of energy from a beautiful women earlier in the day and I seemed to have boundless drive. I fear that like most youths I squandered that energy and my youth. I took on several jobs from the innkeeper as I was low on coin. Then trained with the body guild to enhance my hardiness. Then realized that I was no longer wanted at the palace of parody for questing and that although my bodies limits had increased I was still as frail as ever without rest and what's more I lost four years of my life in a blur so fast it seemed to take but an hour.

this last part concerns me the most as I had a reading that told of my life expectancy. It seems that half my life is already gone and I have yet to achieve my goals. Sadly I will need to spend the next few days resting to recover my strength and doing odd jobs to eat for those days before I can continue on to a quest from the innkeeper. It was recommended to me by lady Fluke and seems a worthwhile act.

I don't know that there is much to be done for this but I thought it would be best to let you know that your student is learning, if slowly. Today I learned that nothing is free and that great gifts can be curses if one is not ready for them.

thank you

your dull student.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 1:27pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Why Am I Rhennthyl?

why am I good?

I met a young girl today who asked me this question, and thinking about it I wanted to jot down my thoughts on this matter.

I suppose I could say that the God Zed requires it of me but that would be an easy answer and one I will not give. I could say that my mother taught me to be this way and so I must be. although that is true it is the choice of the child and not the parent what path a man will follow.

I am good for logical reasons. firstly it makes me feel good to be honest and upfront with those I meet and to treat them fairly. secondly it is beneficial too myself to be so, as those of honest intent will know me as a kindred spirit and we can both grow in power and trust. and on the reverse someone with ill intent can only fool an honest man once before he will have no further dealings with him and in time that man of ill intent will be left alone in the world.

I suppose only time will tell if my path is true.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #


Page 3 Chief Rhennthyl

A Woodsman looks strange when motionless on the ground.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 3:26pm / Post ID: #


Chief Rhennthyl

Bark the War Dog joins the Adventure Party of Rhennthyl

Bark is a war dog. He resembles a German Shepard if a little larger he is a mottled black and white with a few brown patches over his face.

one day he may grow in strength to be a great beast of war but right now he is new and untested hopefully in the days to come he proves his worth as a companion and that I can keep him safe.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 9:00pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl the Chief

A Marauder looks strange when motionless on the ground.

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2nd Dec, 2019 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl Chief - Page 3

I, Rhennthyl, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 3 among my fellow men.

2nd Dec, 2019 - 11:08pm / Post ID: #


Rhennthyl Chief Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 3

final entry penned by Kirei,

young Rhennthyl never had his fathers abilities. I did my best to teach him but it did not work out the way I would have liked. I was so very proud of the way that he fought for what he believed. he was an honorable youth and fair to all he had dealings with, that counts for a lot. sadly it does not count for everything.

I do not wish to speak ill of the dead but for all his virtues Rhennthyl had a few glairing faults. first and foremost he was a dullard. despite how much he tried he simply did not have the brains to learn the skills that would have helped him improve his adventuring. he told me on several occasions how he would encounter situation after situation where he did not have the required skill to complete a given quest or assignment in a favorable fashion.

His half goblin heritage set him back further then a youth of his experience could cope with. it was very sad because some of the things he would have been best at given his build and ancestry were denied him because of his good nature. he could not bring himself to be anything less then honorable.

We talked several times about how he could overcome these failings with training and effort but as a young man who was halfway though his expected life he did not wish to be patient, he feared that by the time he corrected his progression that he would be an old man. He wanted to run ahead and accomplish his dream of ruling now. I think he knew some time ago that he was not going to achieve that dream. the way he wished to proceed in the world was not possible with the skillset and alignment that he had.

May his Lord God Zed welcome him into his halls. and perhaps in the next life he will be more suited to his true nature.

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